Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 0 58 0.0

line true false branch
41 0 0 if (scalar grep({$_ eq 'script';} @params) or $caller eq 'main') { }
0 0 elsif (scalar grep({$_ eq 'project';} @params)) { }
57 0 0 unless try_to_use($conf_package)
68 0 0 unless -f $conf_path
81 0 0 if $$singleton{'_instantiated'}
102 0 0 if (defined $datasource_package)
109 0 0 if (defined $datasource_package and $datasource_package->can('create_entity')) { }
121 0 0 if (exists $$config{'daemons'})
131 0 0 if ($$d_conf{'package'}) { }
155 0 0 if (-f $distro_path and not -f $instance_path)
162 0 0 if -d $f
170 0 0 unless -f $instance_path
177 0 0 unless $instance_string
187 0 0 unless -f $fixup_path
202 0 0 if (defined $fixup_core and $fixup_core) { }
216 0 0 if (@_ > 0)
222 0 0 if ($_[0] eq $class->instance)
229 0 0 unless ($$singleton{'config'})
263 0 0 if (index($ds, $k) == 0)
265 0 0 if ($separator eq '_' or $separator eq ':')
330 0 0 unless $$core{'db'}{$type}
337 0 0 unless ($$current_db{$$})
358 0 0 unless defined $force_reconnect
360 0 0 if $force_reconnect != 0 and $force_reconnect < 3600
362 0 0 if ($force_reconnect != 0 and time - $$current_db{'ts'}{$$} > $force_reconnect)
379 0 0 if (defined $disconnect and $disconnect)
382 0 0 if ($^O ne 'MSWin32')
391 0 0 if $old_dbh
393 0 0 if $^O ne 'MSWin32'