Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 34 72 47.2

line true false branch
65 0 5 if ($schema_file and not $dbh)
71 0 0 unless ($dbh or $schema_file)
77 0 0 unless $dbh
83 0 0 unless defined $$pack_conf{'update'}
88 0 0 if $$pack_sql{'ver_get'}
89 0 0 if $$pack_sql{'ver_upd'}
90 0 0 if $$pack_sql{'ver_ins'}
92 0 0 if $$pack_conf{'schema_variable'}
95 0 0 if $$pack_conf{'can_be_created'}
101 1 4 if ($mode eq 'update') { }
4 0 elsif ($mode eq 'install') { }
107 0 1 unless ($schema_version)
116 0 5 unless open SCHEMA, $schema_file
122 4 1 if ($mode eq 'install')
134 13 37 if ($_ =~ /^-{2,}\s*(\d\d\d\d-\d\d-\d\d(?:\.\d+)?)/) { }
29 8 elsif ($harvest) { }
135 1 12 if ($schema_version eq $1)
140 2 10 unless $found
145 1 28 unless defined $latest_version
151 17 29 if (/\bcreate\s+($can_created)\s+['`"]*(\w+)['`"]*/i and not /^\-\-/)
158 0 4 if (not defined $latest_version or $latest_version eq '')
162 0 4 if ($$settings{'dry_run'})
167 0 4 if ($mode eq 'install' and $clean) { }
172 0 0 unless $clean_check =~ /^y$/i
178 0 4 if ($schema_version eq $latest_version)
189 0 4 if scalar @cleaning
219 0 11 if (/(.*)^delimiter\s+([^\s]+)(?:\s+(.*))?/ms) { }
0 11 elsif ($wait_for_delimiter ne $delimiter) { }
221 0 0 if ($wait_for_delimiter ne $delimiter and $2 eq $delimiter) { }
0 0 elsif ($wait_for_delimiter eq $delimiter and $2 ne $delimiter) { }
234 0 0 if $routine =~ /^\s+$/s
264 2 3 if ($schema_version eq 'NEW') { }
276 0 5 unless $status
284 2 2 if ($@)
285 2 0 if $@ ne $dbh->errstr
288 0 2 unless $$dbh{'RaiseError'}