Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 9 30 30.0

line true false branch
30 0 0 @_ ? :
31 0 0 if ($! != 0)
32 0 0 if ($! =~ /Invalid/) { }
62 0 3 if (exists $args{'cache_ttys'} and $args{'cache_ttys'} == 1)
67 0 3 if (exists $args{'enable_ttys'} and not $args{'enable_ttys'}) { }
70 0 0 if ($self->{'cache_ttys'})
81 3 0 if ($status) { }
95 3 0 if ($self->{'enable_ttys'})
100 0 3 if ($self->{'cache_ttys'}) { }
105 0 0 if (-r $TTYDEVSFILE) { }
122 0 0 unless (rename $ttydevs_tmpfile, $TTYDEVSFILE)
126 0 0 unless (-r $TTYDEVSFILE)
155 0 3 unless -d "/dev"
158 0 15 if -d $_ and !(-x $_) || $_ eq '/dev/.lxc' || $_ eq '/dev/.lxd-mounts'
161 30 21 if -c $File::Find::name