Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 77 180 42.7

line true false branch
241 0 7 if ($^O =~ /^MSWin/)
261 7 0 unless ($$self{'sdir'})
262 7 0 if (not $^O =~ /^MSWin/) { }
263 7 0 -d '/var/tmp' ? :
274 0 7 unless -d $sdir
275 0 7 unless -d $sdir
278 0 7 if ($opthash{'debug'})
281 0 0 if ($size and $size > 102400)
284 0 0 unless open $_debugfh, '>>', $file
288 0 0 if ($@)
294 0 7 if (-e $rdir and not -d $rdir)
298 0 7 unless (-d $rdir)
299 0 0 unless mkpath($rdir)
307 132 0 unless $_debugfh
312 0 0 unless $msg =~ /\n$/
313 0 0 $INC{'Time/'} ? :
326 0 3 if not $pid or $pid <= 0
328 3 0 unless ($^O =~ /^MSWin/)
336 0 0 if (Win32::Process::Open($process, $pid, 0))
341 0 0 if ($RC == Win32::Process::STILL_ACTIVE())
364 0 0 if ($_unix_grandch_pid)
376 3 0 if ($child == $_unix_grandch_pid)
380 0 3 unless open RC, '>', $_unix_grandch_dir . "/RC=$RC"
383 0 3 unless open I, '>>', $_unix_grandch_dir . '/info'
402 0 15 unless defined $childpid
404 6 9 if ($childpid == 0)
409 0 6 unless open I, '>', $pdir . '/info'
423 0 6 unless open STDOUT, '>', $pdir . '/STDOUT'
425 0 6 unless open STDERR, '>', $pdir . '/STDERR'
428 6 0 if ($$opt{'_closefdmax'} >= 3)
430 60 0 unless $_debugfh and $fd == fileno $_debugfh
442 3 3 if ($_unix_grandch_pid == 0)
455 3 0 if -e $pdir . '/pstart'
462 0 0 unless (exec @cmd)
468 0 3 unless defined $_unix_grandch_pid
479 1 2 $$opt{'timeout'} ? :
489 2 1 if $remain > 60
492 3 0 if $_unix_grandch_pid
499 1 2 if ($_unix_grandch_pid and kill 0, $_unix_grandch_pid)
501 0 1 unless open I, '>>', $pdir . '/info'
526 0 0 if $_debugfh
527 0 0 $$opt{'timeout'} ? :
528 0 0 if $timeout > 0
536 0 0 unless Win32::Process::Create($process, $^X, $Arg, 0, 0, '.')
543 0 0 unless open I, '>', $pdir . '/info'
565 1 1 if kill -15, $p and select(undef, undef, undef, 0.2), kill(-3, $p)
569 0 2 if kill 15, $p and select(undef, undef, undef, 0.2), kill(3, $p)
572 2 0 unless kill 0, $p
600 10 67 if /^pid=(\d+)/
601 7 70 if /^RC=(\d+)/
604 7 3 defined $RC ? :
611 0 0 unless opendir D, $sdir
613 0 0 if ($d =~ /^PPC-/)
630 1 0 if (opendir DD, $pdir) { }
633 1 6 if $f =~ /pid=(\d+)$/
636 0 1 unless $pid
653 0 2 unless open I, $infofile
657 17 0 if /([^=]+)=(.*)/
662 0 2 if $^O =~ /^MSWin/
673 0 2 unless opendir D, $pdir
676 2 14 if /^pid=(\d+)/
677 2 14 if /^RC=(\d+)/
680 2 0 if exists $ret{'_RC'}
681 0 0 if ($ret{'_pid'})
683 0 0 if $pidalive
688 2 0 if (exists $ret{'_RC'}) { }
691 0 0 if ($pidalive) { }
720 0 0 if (not $in[0]) { }
726 0 0 if -f $pdir . '/info'
749 0 27 if $o =~ /=/
750 0 27 if $o =~ /^_/
757 0 15 unless $psd and -d $psd
766 15 0 !($^O =~ /^MSWin/) ? :
778 9 9 if -e $psd . '/start' or -e $psd . '/fail'
783 0 9 if (-e $psd . '/fail') { }
9 0 elsif (-e $psd . '/start') { }
784 0 0 unless open FA, $psd . '/fail'
815 0 0 if ($key)
817 0 0 unless $$i{$key} eq $val
842 0 0 unless (_UID_alive $$self{'sdir'}, $UID)
873 0 1 unless &Proc::PersistentControl::_UID_alive($$self{'_controller'}{'sdir'}, $$self{'_PPCUID'})
881 1 0 !($^O =~ /^MSWin/) ? :
887 1 0 unless $self->IsAlive
891 0 1 if $self->IsAlive
925 0 2 unless $self->IsRipe
933 2 0 if (not -d $target) { }
934 0 0 unless rename $source, $target or move($source, $target) or Proc::PersistentControl::debug("rename/1st move($source, $target) failed, trying again"), select(undef, undef, undef, 0.2), move($source, $target) or Proc::PersistentControl::debug("2nd move($source, $target) failed, trying again"), select(undef, undef, undef, 0.8), move($source, $target)
947 0 2 unless -d $target
961 2 4 if (-d $pdir)
962 0 2 unless rmtree($pdir)