Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 13 46 28.2

line true false branch
91 0 0 if ($pid and $pid != $$ and kill 0, $pid)
94 0 0 $self->verify($pid) ? :
193 0 0 if $args{'verify'}
198 0 0 if ($pid and $pid != $$ and kill 0, $pid)
199 0 0 $self->verify($pid) ? :
224 0 2 unless unlink $$self{'path'}
242 0 0 unless $$self{'verify'}
246 0 0 if ($^O =~ /linux|freebsd|cygwin/i)
248 0 0 if (not $me or $me eq '1')
250 0 0 if ($^O eq 'cygwin')
260 0 0 if defined $cols
284 0 5 unless flock $fh, 6
287 2 3 if @_ == 1
302 0 3 if (@_ == 1)
305 0 0 unless flock $fh, 6
311 0 3 unless close $fh
315 0 3 ref $_[0] ? :
3 3 !defined($_[0]) ? :
322 0 10 if $$self{'debug'} =~ /M/
324 0 10 if $$self{'debug'}
331 0 2 if (exists $INC{''})
332 0 0 if 'threads'->tid != 0
336 2 0 if $$self{'path'} and $pid and $pid == $$