Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 36 54 66.6

line true false branch
38 47 0 if (defined wantarray)
44 0 47 unless (defined $key)
45 0 0 wantarray ? :
48 29 18 if (exists $self->{'_config'}{$key}) { }
55 15 32 unless defined $value
59 10 22 if ref $value
61 3 29 if (wantarray and ref $value)
63 1 2 if (ref $value eq 'HASH')
66 2 0 if (ref $value eq 'ARRAY')
82 4 0 if defined wantarray
84 0 4 if (ref $value) { }
93 1 3 if (wantarray and ref $old)
95 0 1 if (ref $old eq 'HASH')
98 1 0 if (ref $old eq 'ARRAY')
110 2 2 if defined wantarray
114 1 3 if (wantarray and ref $old)
116 0 1 if (ref $old eq 'HASH')
119 1 0 if (ref $old eq 'ARRAY')
131 0 18 unless defined $path
134 9 9 if -e $path and -f $path || -l $path
138 0 9 unless -d $path
152 9 171 if -r $file_path
177 18 0 if defined $tmp
179 0 0 defined $_ ? :
210 15 3 unless @right
211 0 3 if @right > 1
219 0 3 if ($hr and $hl) { }