Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 28 38 73.6

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
530 0 0 16 $$o{'points'} and $$o{'lines'}
536 0 16 0 $$o{'points'} and not $$o{'lines'}
542 16 0 0 not $$o{'points'} and $$o{'lines'}

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
237 1 15 $label || ''

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
254 16 0 54 not defined $xmin or $x < $xmin
255 16 54 0 not defined $xmax or $x > $xmax
258 16 5 49 not defined $ymin or $y < $ymin
259 16 49 5 not defined $ymax or $y > $ymax
444 3 1 12 not defined $xmin or $$line{'xmin'} < $xmin
445 3 1 12 not defined $xmax or $$line{'xmax'} > $xmax
446 3 3 10 not defined $ymin or $$line{'ymin'} < $ymin
447 3 9 4 not defined $ymax or $$line{'ymax'} > $ymax
548 16 0 0 $$o{'points'} or $$o{'lines'}