Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 26 36 72.2

line true false branch
103 6 85 if (defined $existing_term)
104 4 2 unless (grep {$_ == $existing_term;} @found_existing_terms)
110 0 72 if (@found_existing_terms > 1) { }
116 4 68 if (@found_existing_terms == 1)
119 4 0 unless ($term->is_obsolete or $existing_term->is_obsolete)
124 2 2 if ($old_namespace ne $existing_term->namespace)
147 60 0 if ($def_dbxref =~ /^(.+?):(.*)/) { }
157 72 0 if (defined $name) { }
158 68 4 unless (exists $terms_by_name->{$name} and grep {$_ == $term;} @{$$terms_by_name{$name};})
169 72 0 if (defined $term_namespace)
171 0 72 if ($existing_term_by_name and $existing_term_by_name != $term) { }
179 10 62 if ($term->{'is_relationshiptype'})
183 12 60 unless (exists $metadata_by_namespace->{$term_namespace})
188 72 0 if ($term->{'relationship'})
270 2 4 if ($self->{'_relationships'})
279 0 32 if (not $object_term) { }
307 0 3 if (@relationships == 0)
314 0 4 if (scalar keys %{$self->terms_by_cv_name->{$_};} == 0) { }