Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 34 60 56.6

line true false branch
15 9 0 @_ ? :
0 9 if @_ != 1
9 0 $#_ >= 0 ? :
9 0 Type::Tiny::XS::Str($badgename) ? :
9 0 if ($#_ >= 0)
25 17 16 if substr($key, 0, 2 + length($badgename)) eq sprintf('-%s_', $badgename)
30 9 0 @_ ? :
0 9 if @_ != 1
9 0 $#_ >= 0 ? :
9 0 Type::Tiny::XS::Str($badge_name) ? :
9 0 if ($#_ >= 0)
34 4 0 @_ ? :
0 4 if @_ != 0
44 0 8 unless defined $plugin_class
47 0 8 unless ($plugin->DOES('Badge::Depot'))
59 8 0 @_ ? :
0 8 if @_ != 2
8 0 $#_ >= 0 ? :
8 0 if (ref $format eq 'HASH' and not grep((!/\A(?:after|before|name)\z/u), keys %{$format;}) and exists $$format{'after'} and do { Type::Tiny::XS::AUTO::TC5($$format{'after'}) } and exists $$format{'before'} and do { Type::Tiny::XS::AUTO::TC5($$format{'before'}) } and exists $$format{'name'})
8 0 do { if (ref $format eq 'HASH' and not grep((!/\A(?:after|before|name)\z/u), keys %{$format;}) and exists $$format{'after'} and do { Type::Tiny::XS::AUTO::TC5($$format{'after'}) } and exists $$format{'before'} and do { Type::Tiny::XS::AUTO::TC5($$format{'before'}) } and exists $$format{'name'}) { Type::Tiny::XS::Str($$format{'name'}); } } ? :
8 0 if ($#_ >= 0)
8 0 $#_ >= 1 ? :
16 0 if (&Scalar::Util::blessed($i))
0 16 unless do { if (&Scalar::Util::blessed($i)) { my $method = $i->can('DOES') || $i->can('isa'); $i->$method('Badge::Depot'); } }
8 0 if (ref $badges eq 'ARRAY')
8 0 do { if (ref $badges eq 'ARRAY') { my $ok = 1; foreach my $i (@{$badges;}) { $ok = 0, last unless do { if (&Scalar::Util::blessed($i)) { my $method = $i->can('DOES') || $i->can('isa'); $i->$method('Badge::Depot'); } }; } ; $ok; } } ? :
8 0 if ($#_ >= 1)
61 4 4 $$format{'name'} eq 'markdown' ? :
70 4 4 if ($self->find_format(sub { $_ eq $$format{'name'}; } ))
74 4 4 if (@badges_output)