Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 81 142 57.0

line true false branch
28 0 17 if $@
44 12 3 if (@_ > 0) { }
1 2 elsif (not defined $_) { }
0 2 elsif (ref $_) { }
2 0 elsif (/^[-+]?\d+$/) { }
54 0 0 if ref $_ eq 'HASH'
62 0 0 if $_
72 0 38 if $key =~ /^-msg/i
73 12 26 if $key =~ /^-exit/i
78 1 14 if (not defined $opts{'-exitval'} || defined $opts{'-verbose'}) { }
2 12 elsif (not defined $opts{'-exitval'}) { }
2 10 elsif (not defined $opts{'-verbose'}) { }
83 2 0 $opts{'-verbose'} > 0 ? :
93 12 3 lc $opts{'-exitval'} eq 'noexit' || $opts{'-exitval'} < 2 ? :
15 0 unless defined $opts{'-output'}
95 7 8 unless defined $opts{'-input'}
98 0 15 unless (ref $opts{'-input'} or -e $opts{'-input'})
100 0 0 $^O eq 'MacOS' || $^O eq 'VMS' ? :
0 0 $^O =~ /^(?:dos|os2|MSWin32)$/i ? :
104 0 0 ref $pathspec ? :
106 0 0 if length $_
107 0 0 if -e $_ and $opts{'-input'} = $_
113 5 10 if ($opts{'-verbose'} == 0) { }
4 6 elsif ($opts{'-verbose'} == 1) { }
1 5 elsif ($opts{'-verbose'} >= 2 and $opts{'-verbose'} != 99) { }
5 0 elsif ($opts{'-verbose'} == 99) { }
127 2 3 ref $sections ? :
134 0 15 $opts{'-perldoc'} ? :
137 0 15 if ($Pod::Usage::Config{'versiononly'} and $Pod::Usage::Config{'startperl'} =~ /\Q$version\E$/)
140 0 15 unless -e $progpath
143 0 15 if (not $opts{'-noperldoc'} and $opts{'-verbose'} >= 2 and not ref $opts{'-input'} and $opts{'-output'} == \*STDOUT) { }
149 0 0 if $opts{'-message'}
150 0 0 if (defined $opts{-'input'} and $opts{-'input'} =~ /^\s*(\S.*?)\s*$/) { }
155 0 0 if ($opts{'-perldocopt'})
160 0 0 if $opts{'-perlcmd'}
162 0 0 if ($?)
174 14 1 unless lc $opts{'-exitval'} eq 'noexit'
189 0 15 if ($self->can('initialize')) { }
196 0 150 if defined $val
221 42 33 unless defined $regexs[$i] and length $regexs[$i]
227 0 75 if $_ eq '!'
232 0 75 if ($@) { }
238 75 0 unless /^\^/
239 75 0 unless /\$$/
240 1 74 if $negated
243 25 0 !$bad_regexs ? :
248 0 15 if ($Pod::Usage::ISA[0]->can('select')) { }
252 0 15 $sections[0] eq '+' ? :
254 0 15 unless (@sections)
255 0 0 unless $add
259 15 0 unless $add and $self->{'USAGE_SELECT'}
264 25 0 if (defined $cs) { }
285 65 481 if ($element eq 'head1') { }
24 457 elsif ($element =~ /^head(\d+)$/ and $1) { }
287 61 4 if ($self->{'USAGE_OPTIONS'}{-'verbose'} < 2)
292 0 24 unless $self->{'USAGE_HEADINGS'}
297 89 457 if ($element =~ /^head\d+$/)
299 0 89 if (not $self->{'USAGE_SELECT'} && @{$self->{'USAGE_SELECT'};}) { }
306 53 138 unless defined $headings[$i]
309 2 189 $negated ? :
311 105 86 unless $match
313 27 105 if ($match)
322 85 4 if ($self->{'USAGE_OPTIONS'}{-'verbose'} < 2)
324 53 5 length $2 > 2 ? :
325 85 0 unless /:\s*$/
330 232 314 if ($self->{'USAGE_SKIPPING'} and not $element =~ /^over-|^[BCFILSZ]$/) { }
341 14 1 unless my $msg = $self->{'USAGE_OPTIONS'}{-'message'}
350 0 0 unless my $msg = $self->{'USAGE_OPTIONS'}{-'message'}
360 0 0 if ($self->{'USAGE_OPTIONS'}{-'verbose'} < 2 and /^=head/)
364 0 0 length $2 > 2 ? :
366 0 0 unless /:\s*$/