Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 86 100 86.0

line true false branch
113 97 4 unless ($self->{'LITERAL'})
149 96 31 if ($self->can("_cmd_$method")) { }
31 0 elsif ($self->can("_start_$method")) { }
170 96 31 if ($self->can("_cmd_$method")) { }
31 0 elsif ($self->can("_end_$method")) { }
178 20 76 if (defined $text)
179 20 0 if (@{$self->{'PENDING'}} > 1) { }
221 61 37 if ($self->{'SPACE'})
222 11 50 if ($text =~ s/ \A \] \s* \n //msux)
230 61 37 if ($text =~ s/ \n (\n+) \z /\n/msux)
247 18 0 if ($self->{'ENCODE'})
250 0 18 unless print {$self->{'output_fh'};} $output
268 1 4 unless @{$self->{'HEADINGS'}}
291 57 5 unless ($word =~ / _ /msux or $word =~ / \A \\ /msux)
293 55 2 if ($word ne 'and')
309 0 5 unless @{$self->{'HEADINGS'}}
326 1 10 if ($length > 0 and $length + length($section) > $NAVBAR_LENGTH)
333 5 6 if (length $pending != 0)
347 5 0 if (length $pending > 0)
367 4 14 if ($self->{'TITLE'})
373 3 15 if (defined $self->{'SUBHEADING'})
378 5 13 if ($self->{'opt_navbar'})
381 5 13 if ($self->{'opt_contents'})
398 1 17 if ($attrs->{'contentless'}) { }
424 0 18 if ($layers[-1] and $layers[-1] & 32768)
456 17 1 unless ($self->{'CONTENTLESS'})
476 5 0 if ($anchor)
484 4 1 if (defined $anchor and defined $headings{$heading}) { }
498 18 0 if ($self->{'ENCODE'})
501 0 18 unless print {$self->{'output_fh'};} $header
508 1 17 if ($self->any_errata_seen)
532 8 23 if (@{$self->{'ITEMS'};} > 0) { }
3 20 elsif ($self->{'IN_NAME'} and $text =~ /$NAME_REGEX/u) { }
561 0 4 if ($text =~ / \A \s* \z /msux)
569 2 2 if (@{$self->{'ITEMS'};} > 0) { }
615 18 4 if (defined $tag) { }
641 3 18 if ($text eq 'NAME' and not exists $self->{'opt_title'})
674 5 14 unless ($self->{'ITEM_PENDING'})
680 3 11 if ($self->{'ITEM_OPEN'})
696 1 32 if ($self->{'ITEM_PENDING'})
699 11 22 if ($self->{'ITEM_OPEN'})
714 2 9 if ($self->{'ITEM_PENDING'})
736 4 7 if (@{$self->{'ITEMS'}} > 0)
781 0 12 if ($self->{'ITEM_PENDING'})
793 8 4 if ($self->{'ITEMS'}[-1] eq '\\desc') { }
843 2 9 if ($attrs->{'type'} eq 'url') { }
9 0 elsif ($attrs->{'type'} eq 'pod') { }
844 1 1 if (not defined $attrs->{'to'} or $attrs->{'to'} eq $text) { }
852 7 2 if (not defined $page and defined $section)
855 2 8 if ($self->{'HEADINGS'}[$i] eq $section)