Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 9 11 81.8

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
58 7 1 0 not $ENV{'POD_TEXT_COLOR_DELIGHT_DEFAULT'} and -f $color_table_file
143 1 1 2 $raw and $_text
2 0 2 $raw and $_text and $_text eq $raw

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
203 289 2 $$self{'color_table'}{$element} || {bold => 'reset bold', code => {Bareword => 'white', Builtin_Function => 'bright_red', Builtin_Operator => 'bright_red', Character => 'cyan', Comment_Normal => 'grey10', Comment_POD => 'grey10', DATA => 'grey10', Directive => 'bright_green', Keyword => 'bright_red', Label => 'rgb542', Number => 'white', Operator => 'white', Package => 'rgb345', Quote => 'rgb542', String => 'rgb542', Subroutine => 'rgb454', Symbol => 'white', Variable_Array => 'rgb520', Variable_Hash => 'rgb520', Variable_Scalar => 'rgb520', Variable_Typeglob => 'rgb520'}, file => 'bright_green', head1 => 'bright_cyan', head2 => 'reset bold', head3 => '', head4 => '', italic => 'reset italic', link => 'rgb045'}->{$element} || 'reset'