Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 67 100 67.0

line true false branch
173 0 2483 if defined $globals and ref $globals ne ref {}
175 16 2467 if ($globals)
188 0 6009 if defined $prop_map and ref $prop_map ne ref {}
190 17 5992 if ($prop_map)
202 0 1 unless $props
203 0 1 if ref $props ne ref {}
215 0 156 unless $element_name and $prop_name and $value
224 0 1344 if defined $stack and ref $stack ne ref []
226 0 1344 if ($stack)
237 0 2016 if defined $color and ref $color ne ref ''
239 0 2016 if ($color)
250 0 864 if defined $color and ref $color ne ref ''
252 0 864 if ($color)
264 0 864 if defined $blocks and ref $blocks ne ref []
266 0 864 if ($blocks)
282 208 80 if ($stacking eq 'nest') { }
16 64 elsif ($stacking eq 'spot') { }
64 0 elsif ($stacking eq 'revert') { }
289 16 0 unless $stack[$#stack] eq $element
296 0 64 if (defined $i) { }
316 208 80 if ($stacking eq 'nest')
337 60 2452 if $prop_set->{'indent'}
338 47 2465 if $prop_set->{'after_indent'} and $i != $#stack
354 48 0 if ($block->{'attr'})
367 0 48 if $color
380 0 288 if ($att_set->{'color'})
406 2592 0 if ($prop_set)
425 288 0 if ($display and $display eq 'block')
428 37 251 if $top_spacing
436 288 0 if $attr
445 48 240 if $prepend
460 0 288 if $append
464 288 0 if ($display and $display eq 'block')
469 16 272 if ($block->{'wrap'} and $block->{'wrap'} eq 'verbatim') { }
474 272 16 if $block->{'bottom_spacing'}
489 0 240 if $self->_color
511 0 450 if $chars_left < 1
519 724 224 if ($item)
521 272 452 if (length $item->{'text'} <= $chars_left) { }
531 226 226 if ($item)
548 0 498 if (not $li->{'text'} =~ /^\s*$/s and $li->{'color'}) { }
557 226 224 if $in_body
581 0 16 if $text =~ /^\s*$/
587 0 16 if $text =~ /\n$/
594 0 16 if ($line =~ /^\s*$/) { }
601 0 16 unless $i == $#lines
604 0 16 if $color
621 375 77 if ($chars_left > 1)
629 0 452 if (not $clipped and $chars_left == $max_chars)
635 226 226 if ($clipped)