Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 34 40 85.0

line true false branch
12 6 0 exists $args{'debug'} ? :
25 0 6 unless open my $output_fh, ">&:encoding(UTF-8)", \*STDOUT
38 1 1 +(shift())->{'debug'} ? :
79 19 19 unless defined $self->{'buffer'}
81 13 25 if ($track_elements{$element_name})
90 14 22 if ($in and @$in)
92 6 8 if ($element_name eq 'for' and $attr->{'target_matching'} eq 'stopwords') { }
1 7 elsif ($element_name eq 'Verbatim') { }
1 6 elsif ($element_name eq 'L') { }
6 0 elsif ($element_name eq 'C' or $element_name eq 'F') { }
95 6 0 if $self->_is_debug
106 1 0 if $attr->{'content-implicit'}
110 2 4 $text =~ s/\A\s+// ? :
111 2 4 $text =~ s/\s+\z// ? :
114 6 0 length $text ? :
125 13 23 if ($in and @$in and $in->[-1][0] eq $element_name)
130 20 18 unless $element_name =~ /\A(?:Para|head\d|item-.*|over-block)\z/
133 3 15 unless (defined $buffer and length $buffer)
142 4 11 if $element_name ne "Para"
146 3 12 unless length $out