Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 168 268 62.6

and 2 conditions

line l !l condition
1446 276 2 $charnum >= 255 and !1

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
206 0 0 867 defined $_[0] && ref $_[0]
270 0 0 9 defined $d and length $d
293 0 0 0 defined $d and length $d
321 0 0 570 defined $t and length $t
336 0 0 0 defined $t and length $t
361 0 0 1211 defined $new_code and length $new_code
393 0 0 29 defined $new_code and length $new_code
422 0 18 743 defined $line_group and length $line_group
538 10 0 0 $self->can('write_with_binmode') and $self->write_with_binmode
596 167 16 2 join("\n", @{$para;}[2 .. $#$para]) =~ /^\s*(\d+)\.?\s*$/s and $1 ne '1'
650 4443 0 0 ref $_[0] and ref $_[0][0]
4443 0 0 ref $_[0] and ref $_[0][0] and $_[0][0][0] eq '~Top'
663 862 2501 1080 not $self->{'_output_is_for_JustPod'} and $self->_remap_sequences($treelet)
701 46 4413 1733 $nixx and ref $treelet->[$i]
4459 1727 6 $nixx and ref $treelet->[$i] and $treelet->[$i][0] eq 'X'
6103 35 48 $merge and $i != 2
6138 14 34 $merge and $i != 2 and not ref $treelet->[$i]
49 9 25 $merge and $i != 2 and not ref $treelet->[$i] and not ref $$treelet[$i - 1]
726 176 0 236 defined($thing = $treelet->[$i][1]{$attrname}) and ref $thing
747 0 827 2754 @stack == 1 and @{$stack[0];} == 3
827 253 2501 @stack == 1 and @{$stack[0];} == 3 and not ref $stack[0][2]
832 0 827 253 @_ == 2 and @{$_[1];} == 3
827 253 0 @_ == 2 and @{$_[1];} == 3 and not ref $_[1][2]
985 0 0 37 @{$treelet->[$i];} == 3 and $treelet->[$i][2] eq ''
1095 91 251 1 @{$ell;} == 3 and $ell->[2] =~ m[\A\s*/\s*\z]
1100 91 251 0 @{$ell;} == 3 and $ell->[2] eq ''
1108 19 321 2 not ref $ell->[2] and $ell->[2] =~ /\A\s/
12 328 0 not ref $ell->[-1] and $ell->[-1] =~ /\s\z/
1170 75 0 223 @{$ell;} == 3 and not ref $ell->[2]
1272 0 5 95 @section_name and not ref $section_name[0]
5 7 88 @section_name and not ref $section_name[0] and not ref $section_name[-1]
12 48 40 @section_name and not ref $section_name[0] and not ref $section_name[-1] and $section_name[0] =~ /^\"/s
55 0 40 @section_name and not ref $section_name[0] and not ref $section_name[-1] and $section_name[0] =~ /^\"/s and $section_name[-1] =~ /\"$/s
18 22 0 @section_name == 1 && $section_name[0] eq '"'
48 0 40 @section_name and not ref $section_name[0] and not ref $section_name[-1] and $section_name[0] =~ /^\"/s and $section_name[-1] =~ /\"$/s and not @section_name == 1 && $section_name[0] eq '"'
1295 100 0 65 not $section_name and @ell_content
100 4 61 not $section_name and @ell_content and not ref $ell_content[0]
4 0 61 not $section_name and @ell_content and not ref $ell_content[0] and not ref $ell_content[-1]
4 42 19 not $section_name and @ell_content and not ref $ell_content[0] and not ref $ell_content[-1] and $ell_content[0] =~ /^\"/s
42 0 19 not $section_name and @ell_content and not ref $ell_content[0] and not ref $ell_content[-1] and $ell_content[0] =~ /^\"/s and $ell_content[-1] =~ /\"$/s
7 12 0 @ell_content == 1 && $ell_content[0] eq '"'
42 0 19 not $section_name and @ell_content and not ref $ell_content[0] and not ref $ell_content[-1] and $ell_content[0] =~ /^\"/s and $ell_content[-1] =~ /\"$/s and not @ell_content == 1 && $ell_content[0] eq '"'
1310 147 0 18 not $section_name || $link_text and @ell_content
6 4 14 !ref($_) && / /s
147 4 14 not $section_name || $link_text and @ell_content and grep((!ref($_) && / /s), @ell_content)
1338 87 0 78 @ell_content == 1 and not ref $ell_content[0]
87 69 9 @ell_content == 1 and not ref $ell_content[0] and $ell_content[0] =~ m[^[^/]+[(][-a-zA-Z0-9]+[)]$]s
1397 281 0 403 defined($thing = $treelet->[$i][1]{$attrname}) and ref $thing
1415 0 284 0 @{$treelet->[$i];} == 3 and $treelet->[$i][2] eq ''
1424 0 0 284 @{$treelet->[$i];} == 3 and not ref($content = $treelet->[$i][2])
1522 0 0 10508 @_ == 1 || @_ == 2 and ref $_[0]
1563 0 327 197 @_ and ref($_[0] || '') eq 'CODE'
1569 523 0 1 ref $class && $class->isa('Pod::Simple')
1594 0 37 19 @_ and ref($_[0] || '') eq 'CODE'

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
136 2 17 +(shift())->{'errors_seen'} || 0
140 8 0 +(shift())->{'all_errata'} || {}
573 0 0 $self->{'source_filename'} || 'Pod input'
753 1080 0 $self->{'accept_codes'} || die("NO accept_codes in $self?!?")
1543 0 0 $source || ''
1563 522 2 $_[0] || ''
1594 53 3 $_[0] || ''

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
183 0 0 0 ref $_[0] || $_[0]
225 0 907 0 ref $_[0] || $_[0]
363 0 0 1211 $new_code =~ /$xml_name_re/ or $new_code =~ /^[-\.0-9]/s
0 0 1211 $new_code =~ /$xml_name_re/ or $new_code =~ /^[-\.0-9]/s or $new_code =~ /:[-\.0-9]/s
395 0 0 29 $new_code =~ /$xml_name_re/ or $new_code =~ /^[-\.0-9]/s
0 0 29 $new_code =~ /$xml_name_re/ or $new_code =~ /^[-\.0-9]/s or $new_code =~ /:[-\.0-9]/s
429 4856 2909 743 length $1 or length $2
7765 0 743 length $1 or length $2 or pos $line_group != length $line_group
515 0 0 10 not length $source or $source eq '-'
0 0 10 not length $source or $source eq '-' or $source =~ /^<&(?:STDIN|0)$/i
524 0 0 10 not length $to or $to eq '-'
0 0 10 not length $to or $to eq '-' or $to =~ /^>&?(?:STDOUT|1)$/i
612 57 2 961 $content =~ /^\s*\*\s*$/s or $content =~ /^\s*$/s
688 734 5 341 $nixx or $merge
870 21 0 0 $new_letter =~ /^[A-Z]$/s or $new_letter
891 21 0 0 $fallbacks_one =~ /^[A-Z](,[A-Z])*$/s or $fallbacks_one eq '0'
21 0 0 $fallbacks_one =~ /^[A-Z](,[A-Z])*$/s or $fallbacks_one eq '0' or $fallbacks_one eq '1'
916 42 0 0 exists $Pod::Simple::Known_formatting_codes{$f} or $f eq '0'
42 0 0 exists $Pod::Simple::Known_formatting_codes{$f} or $f eq '0' or $f eq '1'
985 0 37 0 @{$treelet->[$i];} == 2 or @{$treelet->[$i];} == 3 and $treelet->[$i][2] eq ''
1100 0 0 342 @{$ell;} == 2 or @{$ell;} == 3 and $ell->[2] eq ''
1108 2 0 340 not ref $ell->[2] and $ell->[2] =~ /\A\s/ or not ref $ell->[-1] and $ell->[-1] =~ /\s\z/
1237 12 70 0 ref $_ || length $_
1238 32 74 18 ref $_ || length $_
1268 15 61 43 ref $_ || length $_
1269 64 150 5 ref $_ || length $_
1310 119 28 18 $section_name || $link_text
1415 0 0 284 @{$treelet->[$i];} == 2 or @{$treelet->[$i];} == 3 and $treelet->[$i][2] eq ''
1487 8 12 1660 $in_s ||= $is_s
1522 6454 4054 0 @_ == 1 || @_ == 2