Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 86 134 64.1

line true false branch
154 0 11 if ($$self{'in_verbatim'})
181 14 1 if ($$self{'in_item'})
203 0 114 if ($$self{'in_verbatim'})
209 15 99 if ($command eq 'over') { }
14 85 elsif ($command eq 'back') { }
29 56 elsif ($command eq 'item') { }
0 56 elsif ($command eq 'begin' or $command eq 'for') { }
0 56 elsif ($command eq 'end') { }
0 56 elsif ($$self{'in_list'}) { }
212 14 1 $paragraph ? :
217 14 0 if ($$self{'in_list'}) { }
230 0 29 unless ($$self{'in_list'})
237 14 15 if ($$self{'open_lists'}) { }
240 1 13 if $paragraph =~ s/^\s* \* \s*//x
241 2 12 if $paragraph =~ s/^\s* \d+\.? \s*//x
245 12 3 if ($$self{'list_type'}[$$self{'in_list'}] eq 'itemizedlist') { }
3 0 elsif ($$self{'list_type'}[$$self{'in_list'}] eq 'orderedlist') { }
252 15 0 if ($$self{'in_item'})
263 26 3 if ($paragraph)
271 0 0 if ($$self{'open_lists'})
281 0 0 if ($type =~ /^:(.*)$/)
288 0 0 if ($process_paragraphs) { }
294 0 0 if $command eq 'for'
295 0 0 if $command eq 'begin'
299 0 0 if ($$self{'open_lists'})
305 0 0 if ($$self{'in_begin_section'}) { }
326 1 55 if ($command eq 'pod')
343 0 29 if ($$self{'open_lists'})
348 3 26 unless $paragraph =~ /\S/
351 20 6 if ($text =~ /\n\z/)
355 20 6 unless $$self{'in_verbatim'}
356 6 20 if $$self{'in_verbatim'}
359 26 0 if ($paragraph =~ /^(\s+)/)
369 0 26 unless length $paragraph
375 20 6 if ($last_verbatim)
386 1 95 if ($$self{'open_lists'})
397 0 96 if ($$self{'in_verbatim'})
417 54 246 if (ref $node) { }
432 0 0 if ($text =~ /^"(.*)"$/s) { }
442 0 0 unless defined $page
443 0 0 unless defined $section
449 0 0 if (not $page =~ /^[\w.-]+(::[\w.-]+)*$/ and $section eq '')
471 22 32 if ($name eq 'L') { }
15 17 elsif ($name eq 'E') { }
0 17 elsif ($name eq 'S') { }
478 10 12 unless defined $text
479 0 22 unless defined $inferred
480 0 22 unless defined $name
481 18 4 unless defined $section
482 0 22 unless defined $type
486 4 18 if ($type eq 'url') { }
508 1 14 if ($text =~ /^\d+$/) { }
537 265 265 $end ? :
568 0 18 if $link =~ /^"\s*(.*?)\s*"$/
574 3 15 if $section
575 0 18 if ($page and $page =~ / / and not defined $section) { }
579 0 18 unless $page
580 15 3 unless $section
589 5 1 if ($page and not $section) { }
0 1 elsif (not $page and $section) { }
1 0 elsif ($page and $section) { }
606 3 19 if ($link =~ /\A\w+:[^:\s]\S*\Z/) { }
611 13 6 if ($link =~ /\|/)
614 1 18 if ($link =~ /\A(\w+):[^:\s]\S*\Z/)
616 0 1 unless $scheme =~ /^(https?|ftp|mailto|news|nntp|snews)$/
621 0 18 $name && $name =~ /\(\S*\)/ ? :
632 0 0 if (ref $node) { }