Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 0 94 0.0

line true false branch
98 0 0 if ($element =~ s/head(\d+)/head/)
119 0 0 if (exists $start_new_line_for_element{$element}) { }
121 0 0 if ($start_new_line_for_element{$element})
131 0 0 if ($element eq 'head')
139 0 0 unless (exists $$parser{'_current_attributes'})
155 0 0 if ($element eq 'head' and exists $$parser{'_show_section_numbers'} and $$parser{'_show_section_numbers'})
214 0 0 if scalar @_ == 0
217 0 0 if scalar @_
226 0 0 if (exists $$attrs{$attribute} and $$attrs{$attribute} eq $value)
249 0 0 if scalar @_
257 0 0 if $@
271 0 0 if scalar @_
279 0 0 if $@
293 0 0 if scalar @_ == 0
297 0 0 if scalar @_
303 0 0 if $@
318 0 0 if scalar @_
326 0 0 if $@
340 0 0 if scalar @_
344 0 0 if scalar @{$$parser{'_current_attributes'};} < 2
350 0 0 if $@
364 0 0 if scalar @_ == 0
368 0 0 if scalar @_
374 0 0 if $@
416 0 0 if ($parser->can($method))
458 0 0 unless (exists $$parser{'_marker_counters'}{$marker_type})
510 0 0 if ($startend eq 'start')
512 0 0 if ($parser->ExistsPreviousAttribute('_font_family')) { }
534 0 0 if (do { $element eq 'C' }) { }
0 0 elsif ($element eq 'head') { }
0 0 elsif ($element eq 'I') { }
0 0 elsif ($element eq 'B') { }
0 0 elsif ($element eq 'L') { }
588 0 0 if ($parser->ExistsPreviousAttribute('_left_margin')) { }
605 0 0 unless (exists $$parser{'_accumulated_indent_values'})
612 0 0 if ($startend eq 'start') { }
0 0 elsif ($startend eq 'end') { }
614 0 0 if ($parser->ExistsAttribute('indent')) { }
0 0 elsif (not $parser->ExistsAttribute('~type')) { }
620 0 0 if ($parser->ExistsPreviousAttribute('~type'))
657 0 0 unless scalar @$temp_ref
699 0 0 unless $element eq 'head' and $start_end eq 'start'
701 0 0 unless (exists $$parser{'_stack_of_section_numbers'})
718 0 0 unless (scalar @$arr_ref)
801 0 0 if ($element eq 'item_bullet')
809 0 0 if ($parser->SearchHistoryForAttributeMatchingValue('_element_type', 'head'))
828 0 0 if ($parser->can($method)) { }