Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 27 86 31.4

line true false branch
75 0 0 unless ($self->_tmp_warned)
116 13 0 unless $$collected{'Pod::Loom-sections'}
120 13 0 unless @sections
127 1 12 unless $$collected{'Pod::Loom-omit'}
141 26 0 unless my $blocks = $self->tmp_collected->{"Pod::Loom-insert_$type"}
149 0 0 unless @list
152 0 0 unless grep {$_ eq $list[$index];} @$sectionsList
161 0 0 $remap{$_} ? :
175 46 0 defined $v ? :
193 65 0 unless my $sort = $self->_find_sort_order($type)
198 0 0 /^=\S+ \s+ (\S (?:.*\S)? )/x ? :
206 0 0 if ref $sort
210 0 0 unless ($special{$$a[0]} || $count) <=> ($special{$$b[0]} || $count) or $$a[0] cmp $$b[0]
237 0 65 if ($self->tmp_collected->{"Pod::Loom-no_sort_$type"})
238 0 0 if $blocks
244 0 65 if ($blocks)
254 13 52 unless my $method = $self->can("sort_$type")
286 0 13 unless open my $handle, '<:encoding(iso-8859-1)', $podRef
317 0 7 unless $h =~ /^=head1\s+(.+?)(?=\n*\z|\n\n)/
321 7 0 if ($expectedSection{$title}) { }
322 0 7 if $section{$title}
342 7 137 if ($$sectionText{$title} and not $self->override_section($title)) { }
348 92 45 if $method
353 108 36 if $pod
357 13 0 if (length $pod)
360 1 12 unless $name eq 'iso-8859-1'
375 13 124 if ($title eq '*') { }
393 52 0 unless $entries and @$entries or $groups and %$groups
396 0 0 unless $pod
398 0 0 if $groups and %$groups
402 0 0 if $self->tmp_collected->{"Pod::Loom-group_$cmd"}
417 0 0 if $newcmd eq 'item'
420 0 0 unless s/^=\S+/=$newcmd/
424 0 0 if $newcmd eq 'item'
439 0 0 unless $groupHeaders
444 0 0 if ($newcmd =~ /^head\d/)
447 0 0 unless grep {/$re/;} @$groupHeaders
454 0 0 if @{$$collected{$cmd};}
457 0 0 unless $header =~ s/^\s*(\S+)\s*?\n//
464 0 0 if ($type eq '*')
469 0 0 unless (delete $$groups{$type})
479 0 0 if (%$groups)
480 0 0 if delete $$groups{''}