Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 19 32 59.3

line true false branch
57 0 2 unless my $e = find_encoding($encoding)
60 0 2 if (defined $$self{'encoding'})
61 0 0 if $e->name eq $$self{'encoding'}->name
75 23 23 if ($$event{'type'} eq 'command')
77 2 21 if $cmd eq 'cut'
79 2 19 if $cmd eq 'encoding'
84 0 12 if (not $collector and $cmd =~ /^(\w+)-(\S+)/ and $$self{'collect'}{$1})
90 12 7 if ($cmd =~ /^(begin|for)$/ and $$event{'content'} =~ s/^\s*(Pod::Loom\b\S*)\s*//) { }
0 14 elsif ($cmd eq 'end' and $$event{'content'} =~ /^\s*Pod::Loom\b/) { }
93 12 0 if ($cmd eq 'for')
106 7 0 if ($collector) { }
110 0 0 unless $dest
113 7 0 if ($cmd)
115 7 0 unless $$event{'content'} =~ /^\n/
127 14 2 if ($$self{'dest'})
142 13 0 unless ($$self{'collect_decoded'}++)