Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 164 252 65.0

line true false branch
327 0 27 unless $args
340 0 27 if ($DEBUG >= 2)
347 4 77 unless ref $$args{$_} eq 'ARRAY'
349 27 0 if (my $fi = $$args{'force_inherits'})
351 2 2 unless ref $$fi{$_} eq 'ARRAY'
360 27 0 if (my $fi = $$self{'force_inherits'})
366 0 4 unless ($type_any)
375 0 4 if ($dest_doc ne $any)
377 0 0 $$fi{$any} ? :
404 3 23 -d $_ ? :
410 1 26 unless @targets
414 0 102 if $DEBUG
416 8 94 -d $target ? :
420 6 95 if (my $skipped = first(sub { $self->_match_filename_to_type_array($classname, $filename, $_); } , @{$$self{'skip_classes'};}))
421 0 0 ref $skipped ? :
0 6 if $DEBUG
425 6 89 if (-d $target)
426 0 6 if $DEBUG
432 77 12 if $target =~ /\.pm$/
433 9 80 if ($target =~ /\.pod$/)
434 0 9 if $DEBUG
435 4 5 if (my $forced = first(sub { $self->_match_filename_to_type_array($classname, $filename, [$$fit{$_}, $_]); } , keys %$fi))
436 0 4 if $DEBUG
441 81 8 if ($should_process)
442 69 12 $$self{'out_dir'} ? :
447 80 1 if ($self->_is_ours($output_filename))
450 41 39 unless ($allpod)
451 0 41 if $DEBUG
459 0 39 if $DEBUG
460 0 39 unless ($outfh = $output_filename->open('w'))
461 0 0 if ($!{'EACCES'} and $$self{'force_permissions'}) { }
464 0 0 unless chmod $oldperm | 128, $dir
465 0 0 unless $outfh = $output_filename->open('w')
473 0 39 if (defined $oldperm)
474 0 0 unless chmod $oldperm, $dir
511 0 80 unless $src
522 76 4 if (not $src =~ /\.pod$/) { }
528 4 0 $root_dir ? :
535 4 73 if ($force_inherits)
538 0 6 if $DEBUG
539 0 6 unless $self->_require_class(undef, $class)
547 81 97 if ($s eq $isa_flattened[$i])
548 0 81 if $DEBUG
555 33 44 unless (@isa_flattened)
556 0 33 if $DEBUG
562 6 38 if (exists $$self{'dead_links'})
570 0 57 if $DEBUG
578 45 12 unless (exists $$local_config{'skip_underscored'})
584 9 158 if $$local_config{'skip_underscored'} and $globname =~ /^_/
585 9 149 if $seen{$globname}
599 0 92 if ($@)
603 0 0 if ($@ =~ /Not a subroutine reference/) { }
604 0 0 if $DEBUG
610 30 62 unless $exists
614 6 56 if ($globname eq '()') { }
11 45 elsif ($globname =~ /^\((.*)/) { }
625 6 56 if ($force_inherits and not $subref)
627 8 2 unless defined $subref
632 0 62 unless $subref
637 0 62 if $identify_name eq 'UNIVERSAL'
639 14 48 if ($identify_name ne $parent_class)
651 9 39 if (exists $$self{'dead_links'})
655 0 22 if first sub { $_ eq $class; } , @{$$self{'skip_inherits'};}
662 3 19 if ($$self{'pod_sections'}{$map_class}{$globname})
663 0 3 if $DEBUG and $doc_parent_class ne $map_class
673 6 3 if ($$self{'dead_links'} eq '' and not $found_doc)
674 0 6 if $DEBUG
681 6 36 unless any sub { $_ eq $doc_parent_class; } , @isa_flattened
686 5 39 unless keys %{$$tt_stash{'methods'};}
702 12 40 unless $$tt_stash{'methods'}{$class}
708 0 42 exists $$self{'dead_links'} && $$self{'dead_links'} ne '' && !$$self{'pod_sections'}{$class}{$method} ? :
719 0 39 if $DEBUG >= 2
722 0 39 unless $new_pod = $parser->parse_text($new_pod)
730 0 39 if ($DEBUG >= 2)
736 0 39 unless my $pod = $parser->parse_file($src->stringify)
749 0 13 unless $_->isa('Pod::POM::Node::Head1')
756 0 8 if $DEBUG
761 0 5 if $DEBUG
769 26 13 if (not $insertion_point and $pod->content)
770 0 26 if $DEBUG
774 0 39 unless ($insertion_point)
775 0 0 if $DEBUG
781 31 8 if (not $before and $insertion_point == -1) { }
8 0 elsif ($before) { }
797 0 76 unless open my $fh, '<', $file
799 73 9 if /^package\s+([A-Za-z0-9_:]+);/
800 0 9 if (/^package\b/)
801 0 0 if $DEBUG
806 0 3 if $DEBUG
827 24 0 -d $d ? :
829 10 14 if -f $f
831 6 8 unless $try_pods
833 4 4 if -f $f
835 0 4 unless $try_dirs
837 0 4 if -d $f
844 0 10 unless defined $any
846 10 0 $value_type ? :
852 0 10 if ($any =~ /::/) { }
4 6 elsif ($any =~ /\.p(?:m|od)$/i) { }
2 4 elsif (-d $crossplat_any) { }
0 4 elsif (-e $crossplat_any) { }
0 4 elsif ($any =~ m[/|\\]) { }
4 0 elsif ($real_file) { }
857 0 0 unless ($real_file)
861 0 0 -d $real_file ? :
870 4 6 $type eq 'c' ? :
875 0 224 unless ref $type_any
878 88 136 if $type eq 'c'
879 90 46 if $type eq 'f'
880 46 0 if $type eq 'd'
901 0 0 if $_[0] =~ /^(?:Constant )?[Ss]ubroutine [\w\:]+ redefined /
904 0 0 $old_sig_warn ? :
909 55 24 unless (exists $INC{$class_as_filename})
911 0 55 if $DEBUG and not $src
912 55 0 $src ? :
913 0 55 unless ($did_it)
926 55 24 unless exists $INC{$class_as_filename}
936 0 113 unless $classname
937 92 21 unless exists $$self{'dead_links'} and not $$self{'pod_sections'}{$classname}
951 0 20 if ($DEBUG)
962 23 50 if $top->type =~ /head/i
972 1 80 if (-e $outfn)
973 0 1 unless open my $outfh, '<', $outfn
976 1 0 if (<$outfh> ne "=for comment POD_DERIVED_INDEX_GENERATED\n")