Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 22 30 73.3

line true false branch
20 4 0 if ($$self{'filename'})
21 0 4 unless open my $fh, '<', $$self{'filename'}
26 0 4 unless ($$self{'fh'})
37 12 132 if -e "$file.pod"
38 0 132 if -e "$"
49 0 6 unless defined $keyword
54 2 4 $$self{'nocase'} ? :
57 1 5 $args{'deep'} ? :
66 6 24 unless $topic =~ /$re_filter/
68 12 12 if ($topic =~ /$re_select/ and not $seen{$1}++)
87 0 156 tell $fh <= $start ? :
96 0 9 unless defined $keyword
108 8 14 unless lc $entry eq $keyword_lc
109 2 12 if not $$self{'nocase'} and $entry ne $keyword
110 0 12 if $seen{"$podname\t$line"}++