Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 7 23 30.4

and 2 conditions

line l !l condition
180 0 1 $action eq 'attributes' and scalar $self->classmeta->get_attribute_list

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
169 1 0 1 $action eq 'classname' and defined $param
210 0 0 1 $attr->does('Documented') and $attr->has_documentation_order
0 1 0 $attr->does('Documented') and $attr->has_documentation_order and $attr->documentation_order == 0
270 0 0 1 $attr->does('Documented') and $attr->has_documentation_alts
278 0 0 1 $attr->does('Documented') && $attr->has_documentation
356 0 0 0 exists $thing->traits->{'doc'} and ref $thing->traits->{'doc'} eq 'ARRAY'
377 0 0 0 $_ and $_ ne 'doc'