Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 14 26 53.8

line true false branch
26 1 0 if (-d $blib and -d 'File::Spec'->catdir($blib, 'arch') and -d 'File::Spec'->catdir($blib, 'lib'))
44 1 0 if (-d $lib)
46 0 1 if (@parts >= 2 and $parts[-1] eq 'lib' and $parts[-2] eq 't' || $parts[-2] eq 'xt')
64 1 0 if (my $lib = _lib())
67 1 0 if (my $blib = _blib())
78 1 0 unless @dirs
89 2 16 if $searched{Cwd::realpath($dir)}++
90 0 16 unless opendir my $dh, $dir
115 0 3 ref $_[0] eq 'HASH' ? :
134 0 3 if (not defined $rating) { }
141 0 3 unless ($ok)
158 1 0 if (@modules) { }
162 0 3 unless pod_coverage_ok($module, @_)