Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 0 28 0.0

line true false branch
17 0 0 if $inited
19 0 0 unless eval { do { require LWP::UserAgent } }
23 0 0 if (eval { do { require Crypt::SSLeay } })
35 0 0 if ($res->is_success) { }
54 0 0 if ($$args{'body'} and $$args{'content_type'} and $$args{'content_type'} =~ /form-data/) { }
59 0 0 if ($$args{'body_array'})
64 0 0 defined $$body[$i + 1] ? :
66 0 0 if (ref $value eq 'HASH' and $$value{'file'}) { }
81 0 0 $is_form_data ? :
0 0 $$args{'body'} ? :
91 0 0 if ($res->is_success) { }
120 0 0 if (exists $protocol{'https'})
135 0 0 if ($$args{'user'} and defined $$args{'password'})
137 0 0 if ($method eq 'basic') { }