Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 21 24 87.5

line true false branch
24 1 18 if $env->{''}
27 3 15 unless ($method =~ /^(GET|POST)$/u)
31 4 11 if (my $match = $self->path)
35 2 2 unless (XXX and &$match($path, $env) or $path =~ /$match/u)
47 0 13 unless XXX
49 0 13 if @$res < 3
51 2 11 if Plack::Util::status_with_no_entity_body($res->[0])
54 4 7 if (my $match = $self->type) { }
56 2 2 unless XXX and &$match($type, $res) or $type =~ /$match/u
60 2 5 unless $type =~ m[^text/]u
64 6 1 if (XXX) { }
73 7 0 if (Plack::Util::header_exists($res->[1], "content-length"))