Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 25 34 73.5

line true false branch
14 0 2 unless ($self->path->{'status'})
17 0 2 unless ($self->path->{'control'})
20 0 2 unless ($self->file)
23 0 2 unless ($self->allow)
27 2 0 if ($self->allow)
28 1 1 ref $self->allow ? :
30 0 1 $_ =~ /:/ ? :
33 1 3 if (@{$$ip{$v};})
47 5 0 if ($self->path->{'status'} and $self->path->{'status'} eq $req->path and $req->method eq 'GET' and $self->file)
49 1 4 unless $self->allowed($addr)
50 2 2 if ($self->status->is_available) { }
56 7 0 if ($self->path->{'control'} and $self->path->{'control'} eq $req->path and $req->method eq 'POST' and $self->file)
58 3 4 unless $self->allowed($addr)
60 2 2 if ($action eq 'up') { }
1 1 elsif ($action eq 'down') { }
76 0 12 $addr =~ /:/ ? :
77 4 8 unless $$self{'__cidr'}{$v}