Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 27 32 84.3

line true false branch
19 3 0 unless defined $self->pass_through
20 1 2 unless defined $self->head
21 2 1 unless defined $self->options
36 2 1 if ($self->head)
41 2 1 if ($self->options)
50 0 18 if $app and not ref $app
52 0 18 if $$self{'action'} and (reftype($$self{$action}) || '') ne 'CODE'
62 2 4 if ($self->head eq 'auto')
71 6 18 ($$env{'PATH_INFO'} || '/') eq '/' ? :
74 5 19 if ($method eq 'OPTIONS') { }
75 3 2 if ($self->options) { }
77 3 0 if ($self->patch and $self->patch_types)
82 1 1 $$self{'allow'}{$type} ? :
87 0 19 if $self->pass_through
88 16 3 if ($app) { }
89 1 15 if ($method eq 'PATCH' and $self->patch_types and not grep({/^$$env{'CONTENT_TYPE'}$/msx;} @{$self->patch_types;})) { }