Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 42 328 12.8

line true false branch
332 0 2 unless scalar @_ >= 1
352 0 2 if (ref $template)
359 0 2 if (scalar(@_) % 2 != 0)
366 2 0 if @_
372 0 2 if ($options{'open'} and $options{'mkdir'})
387 0 2 if (substr($template, $start - 4 + 1, 4) ne 'XXXX')
409 2 0 if ($options{'mkdir'}) { }
419 0 2 if ($#dirs == 0) { }
423 0 2 if ($^O eq 'VMS') { }
425 0 0 if $parent eq ''
446 0 0 unless $directories ne ''
456 0 2 unless (-e $parent)
460 0 2 unless (-d $parent)
469 0 2 if ('File::Temp'->safe_level == 1) { }
0 2 elsif ('File::Temp'->safe_level == 2) { }
471 0 0 unless (_is_safe($parent, \$safeerr))
477 0 0 unless (_is_verysafe($parent, \$safeerr))
488 0 2 if ($options{'open'}) { }
2 0 elsif ($options{'mkdir'}) { }
492 0 0 if ($] < 5.006)
503 0 0 if ($^O eq 'VMS' and ($options{'unlink_on_close'} and not $File::Temp::KEEP_ALL)) { }
508 0 0 $options{'unlink_on_close'} && !$File::Temp::KEEP_ALL ? :
511 0 0 if defined $LOCKFLAG and $options{'use_exlock'}
514 0 0 if ($open_success) { }
526 0 0 unless ($!{'EEXIST'})
537 2 0 if (mkdir $path, 448) { }
546 0 0 unless ($!{'EEXIST'})
560 0 0 unless -e $path
591 0 0 if ($counter > $MAX_GUESS)
617 0 2 unless scalar @_ == 2
626 2 0 $] >= 5.006 ? :
628 0 2 if ($ignore) { }
671 0 0 unless (scalar @info)
676 0 0 if $^O eq 'VMS'
681 0 0 if ($info[4] > 'File::Temp'->top_system_uid and $info[4] != $>)
686 0 0 if ref $err_ref
696 0 0 if ($info[2] & &Fcntl::S_IWGRP or $info[2] & &Fcntl::S_IWOTH)
699 0 0 unless (-d $path)
700 0 0 if ref $err_ref
705 0 0 unless (-k $path)
706 0 0 if ref $err_ref
731 0 0 if $File::Temp::DEBUG
732 0 0 if $^O eq 'VMS'
741 0 0 if eval { do { &POSIX::_PC_CHOWN_RESTRICTED(); 1 } }
744 0 0 if (defined $chown_restricted)
747 0 0 if POSIX::sysconf($chown_restricted)
757 0 0 unless ('File::Spec'->file_name_is_absolute($path))
779 0 0 if $File::Temp::DEBUG
782 0 0 unless _is_safe($dir, $err_ref)
802 0 0 if ($^O eq 'MSWin32' or $^O eq 'os2' or $^O eq 'VMS' or $^O eq 'dos' or $^O eq 'MacOS') { }
823 0 0 if $level == 0
826 0 0 if ($^O eq 'MSWin32' or $^O eq 'os2' or $^O eq 'cygwin' or $^O eq 'dos' or $^O eq 'MacOS' or $^O eq 'mpeix') { }
876 3 0 if (not $File::Temp::KEEP_ALL)
879 0 3 exists $files_to_unlink{$$} ? :
887 0 0 if (-f $$file[1])
889 0 0 unless unlink $$file[1]
894 2 1 exists $dirs_to_unlink{$$} ? :
896 2 0 if (-d $dir)
902 0 0 if $@ and $^W
907 0 3 if exists $files_to_unlink{$$}
909 2 1 if exists $dirs_to_unlink{$$}
922 0 2 unless scalar @_ == 3
927 0 2 if $File::Temp::DEBUG
931 2 0 if ($isdir) { }
933 2 0 if (-d $fname) { }
937 0 2 if $^O eq 'VMS'
938 2 0 unless exists $dirs_to_unlink{$$}
943 0 0 if $^W
948 0 0 if (-f $fname) { }
951 0 0 unless exists $files_to_unlink{$$}
956 0 0 if $^W
1017 0 0 exists $args{'UNLINK'} ? :
1022 0 0 exists $args{'TEMPLATE'} ? :
1031 0 0 if $File::Temp::DEBUG
1071 0 0 scalar(@_) % 2 == 1 ? :
1073 0 0 exists $options{'CLEANUP'} ? :
1078 0 0 if (defined $template) { }
1133 0 0 if (@_)
1169 0 0 if (exists $FILES_CREATED_BY_OBJECT{$$}{$file})
1174 0 0 if (${*$self;}{'UNLINK'} and not $File::Temp::KEEP_ALL)
1175 0 0 if $File::Temp::DEBUG
1178 0 0 unless $was_created_by_proc
1187 0 0 unless unlink1($self, $file)
1310 0 0 scalar(@_) % 2 == 1 ? :
1313 0 0 if @_
1316 0 0 unless ($options{'OPEN'})
1318 0 0 if $^W
1323 0 0 if ($options{'DIR'} and $^O eq 'VMS')
1337 0 0 if (defined $template) { }
1339 0 0 if ($options{'DIR'}) { }
0 0 elsif ($options{'TMPDIR'}) { }
1351 0 0 if ($options{'DIR'}) { }
1376 0 0 wantarray ? :
1380 0 0 unless ($fh, $path) = _gettemp($template, 'open', $options{'OPEN'}, 'mkdir', 0, 'unlink_on_close', $unlink_on_close, 'suffixlen', length $options{'SUFFIX'}, 'ErrStr', \$errstr, 'use_exlock', $options{'EXLOCK'})
1396 0 0 if $options{'UNLINK'}
1399 0 0 if (wantarray) { }
1401 0 0 if ($options{'OPEN'}) { }
1411 0 0 unless unlink0($fh, $path)
1498 0 2 scalar(@_) % 2 == 1 ? :
1501 2 0 if @_
1506 0 2 if (defined $template) { }
1509 0 0 if ($options{'TMPDIR'} or $options{'DIR'})
1514 0 0 if $^O eq 'VMS'
1521 0 0 if ($options{'DIR'}) { }
0 0 elsif ($options{'TMPDIR'}) { }
1536 0 2 if ($options{'DIR'}) { }
1551 0 2 if ($^O eq 'VMS')
1555 0 2 if ($^O eq 'MacOS' and substr($template, -1) eq ':')
1561 0 2 unless (undef, $tempdir) = _gettemp($template, 'open', 0, 'mkdir', 1, 'suffixlen', $suffixlen, 'ErrStr', \$errstr)
1570 2 0 if ($options{'CLEANUP'} and -d $tempdir)
1609 0 0 if scalar @_ != 1
1615 0 0 unless ($fh, $path) = _gettemp($template, 'open', 1, 'mkdir', 0, 'suffixlen', 0, 'ErrStr', \$errstr)
1623 0 0 if (wantarray) { }
1650 0 0 if scalar @_ != 2
1660 0 0 unless ($fh, $path) = _gettemp($template, 'open', 1, 'mkdir', 0, 'suffixlen', length $suffix, 'ErrStr', \$errstr)
1668 0 0 if (wantarray) { }
1695 0 0 if scalar @_ != 1
1700 0 0 if ($^O eq 'VMS')
1704 0 0 if ($^O eq 'MacOS' and substr($template, -1) eq ':')
1709 0 0 unless ($junk, $tmpdir) = _gettemp($template, 'open', 0, 'mkdir', 1, 'suffixlen', $suffixlen, 'ErrStr', \$errstr)
1736 0 0 if scalar @_ != 1
1742 0 0 unless ($junk, $tmpname) = _gettemp($template, 'open', 0, 'mkdir', 0, 'suffixlen', 0, 'ErrStr', \$errstr)
1801 0 0 if $tmpdir eq ''
1807 0 0 if (wantarray) { }
1839 0 0 unless unlink0($fh, $file)
1879 0 0 unless scalar @_ == 2
1951 0 0 unless scalar @_ == 2
1957 0 0 unless cmpstat($fh, $path)
1960 0 0 if (_can_unlink_opened_file()) { }
1963 0 0 if $File::Temp::KEEP_ALL
1967 0 0 if -d $path
1968 0 0 unless unlink $path
1973 0 0 if $File::Temp::DEBUG
2016 0 0 unless scalar @_ == 2
2022 0 0 if $File::Temp::DEBUG
2033 0 0 unless @fh
2035 0 0 if ($fh[3] > 1 and $^W)
2036 0 0 if $^W
2042 0 0 unless (@path)
2043 0 0 if $^W
2048 0 0 unless (-f $path)
2058 0 0 if ($^O eq 'MSWin32') { }
0 0 elsif ($^O eq 'os2') { }
0 0 elsif ($^O eq 'VMS') { }
0 0 elsif ($^O eq 'dos') { }
0 0 elsif ($^O eq 'mpeix') { }
2072 0 0 if $File::Temp::DEBUG
2076 0 0 unless ($fh[$_] eq $path[$_])
2077 0 0 if $File::Temp::DEBUG
2108 0 0 unless scalar @_ == 2
2114 0 0 unless cmpstat($fh, $path)
2117 0 0 unless close $fh
2123 0 0 if $File::Temp::KEEP_ALL
2227 0 4 if (@_)
2229 0 0 if ($level != 0 and $level != 1 and $level != 2) { }
2230 0 0 if $^W
2233 0 0 if ($] < 5.006 and $level != 0)
2239 0 0 if _can_do_level($level)
2272 0 0 if (@_)
2274 0 0 unless $newuid =~ /^\d+$/s
2428 0 0 if (@_)
2437 0 0 if ($self->unlink_on_destroy and $$ == $$self{'LAUNCHPID'} and not $File::Temp::KEEP_ALL)
2439 0 0 if (-d $$self{'DIRNAME'})
2445 0 0 if $@ and $^W