Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 7 26 26.9

line true false branch
40 0 2 unless ref $self->{$par} eq 'CODE'
55 4 0 if ($method eq 'POST' or $method eq 'PUT') { }
0 0 elsif ($method eq 'GET') { }
61 4 0 if ($content and $contentType) { }
69 4 0 if ($content and $acceptedMimeType)
71 0 4 if $@
74 0 4 if ($resp and ref $resp eq 'HASH' and exists $resp->{'enctype'}) { }
78 0 0 if (exists $resp->{'DATA'})
81 0 0 if $@
84 0 0 if (ref $data eq 'HASH' and not $param =~ /^query\./) { }
91 0 0 if (ref $resp->mixed->{$param} eq 'ARRAY') { }
96 0 0 $env->{'QUERY_STRING'} eq '' ? :
111 4 0 if $data