Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 30 36 83.3

line true false branch
22 0 68 unless defined $env and ref $env eq "HASH"
38 0 4 unless $_[0]->env->{'PATH_INFO'}
56 1 12 unless $self->env->{'HTTP_COOKIE'}
59 11 1 if ($self->env->{'plack.cookie.parsed'} and $self->env->{'plack.cookie.string'} eq $self->env->{'HTTP_COOKIE'})
71 7 6 unless ($self->env->{'psgix.input.buffered'})
75 0 13 unless my $fh = $self->input
76 4 9 unless my $cl = $self->env->{'CONTENT_LENGTH'}
91 1 0 unless (defined $self->{'headers'})
111 10 2 unless ($self->env->{'plack.request.body_parameters'})
147 13 3 if ($self->env->{'plack.request.upload'})
158 3 5 if @_ == 0
161 3 2 unless wantarray
168 1 10 if @_ == 0
171 4 6 unless wantarray
192 9 12 if defined $self->env->{'QUERY_STRING'} and $self->env->{'QUERY_STRING'} ne ""
194 8 13 if $path =~ m[^/]
243 0 20 if defined $ENV{'PLACK_BUFFER_LENGTH'}
245 0 20 if ($env->{'psgix.input.buffered'}) { }