Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 58 60 96.6

line true false branch
207 1 683 unless grep(($_ eq $method), ("DELETE", "GET", "PATCH", "POST", "PUT"))
211 3 680 if (my $host = delete $args{'host'})
215 6 677 if (my $query = delete $args{'query'})
221 3 680 if (my $headers = delete $args{'headers'})
227 112 571 if ($self->_token_required($method, $path) and not $self->has_token($request))
231 227 344 if ($options)
232 1 226 unless ref $options eq "HASH"
233 1 225 if $options->{'prepare_request'} and ref $options->{'prepare_request'} ne "CODE"
235 224 1 if ($options->{'prepare_request'})
240 9 560 if ($params)
241 1 8 unless ref $params eq "HASH"
261 232 336 if (my $cached_response = $self->shared_cache->get($cache_key))
268 0 232 if ($response->code || 0) == 304
286 845 417 if $self->_has_token
288 304 113 unless $request
290 1 112 if $request->header("Authorization")
311 260 216 unless defined $args->{'user'}
312 282 194 unless defined $args->{'repo'}
330 3 1329 if exists $args{$attr}
333 685 644 if $self->$has_attr
345 451 232 if ($self->has_token)
351 304 379 if ($data)
352 302 2 if ref $data
358 204 479 if ($self->has_prepare_request)
371 30 653 if $TOKEN_REQUIRED{$key}
374 327 33832 if $key =~ /$regexp/
391 683 0 if ($self->has_per_page)
396 203 480 if ($self->has_jsonp_callback)
408 21 450 unless $args->{'user'}
409 21 429 unless $args->{'repo'}