Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 80 80 100.0

line true false branch
27 64 29 scalar @_ & 1 ? :
37 4 89 if $route =~ m[^\w+://]
40 43 10 unless $key =~ /^_/
48 13 91 if ($name eq 'controller' or $name eq 'action') { }
5 86 elsif ($name eq 'id') { }
53 5 99 if $prefix eq '.'
54 12 92 if ($type eq '*') { }
7 85 elsif (exists $$requirements{$name}) { }
5 80 elsif ($prefix eq '\\.') { }
63 21 83 if exists $$defaults{$name}
71 85 8 unless ($target{'controller'})
74 88 5 unless ($target{'action'})
81 1 92 if ($$conditions{'method'} and $$conditions{'method'} eq 'any')
96 85 8 unless $options{'_static'}
97 29 64 if defined $name
107 3 86 if $method and $method eq 'any'
111 120 77 if scalar @matches == 0
112 7 70 if (defined $method and defined $$route{'conditions'}{'method'})
113 3 4 if $method ne $$route{'conditions'}{'method'}
117 48 14 if $v
121 148 18 unless defined $params{$k}
132 47 15 scalar @_ & 1 ? :
139 7 55 if (not $name and _compare_targets($base, \%params))
141 25 3 unless exists $params{$k}
151 202 5 unless ref($v = $params{$_})
153 4 1 if (ref $v) { }
162 42 20 if ($name) { }
168 6 19 unless _compare_targets($$r{'target'}, \%params)
169 1 18 unless _validate_route_params($r, \%params)
174 3 59 unless $route
178 3 122 unless exists $params{$k}
199 67 6 unless $path =~ m[^/] or $path =~ m[^\w+://]
216 12 60 unless defined $b
218 7 39 if $p and $p ne $b and $b ne '*'
235 1 115 unless defined $value or exists $$defaults{$key}
237 2 110 if defined $value and $regexp and not $value =~ /$regexp/
249 2 57 if ref $filter eq 'CODE'
252 2 57 unless _validate_route_params($route, $params)
265 3 81 unless defined $s
267 69 12 unless $keep_slash