Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 24 24 100.0

line true false branch
32 1 5 if ($caller ne $last_caller)
53 3 2 if (not exists $opts{'root'} or $opts{'root'})
91 8 73 if ($_ =~ /^(?:cre|upd)ated_(?:at|on)$/) { }
17 108 elsif ($_ =~ /_id$/ and $$info{$_}{'type'} =~ /^int\b/) { }
105 12 62 if (exists $$info{'id'} and not exists $$row{'id'})
110 8 45 if ($$row{$_} and $$row{$_} =~ /[^0-9]/)
117 57 17 unless ($$sth{$columns})
133 6 20 if ($data =~ /<%/)
134 1 5 unless $helpers
148 6 2 if $$pkg{$_}
159 9 18 unless exists $ids{$s}
191 4 5 if ($c & 2147483648) { }