Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 11 20 55.0

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
71 5 0 3 @_ == 1 and ref $_[0] eq 'HASH'
145 0 0 4 $controller_class and $self->validate_action($action)
199 0 4 1 scalar @args && ref $args[$#args] eq 'HASH'

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
237 0 0 $code ||= 302

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
96 28 8 0 $$self{'_request'} ||= do { my $class = $self->load('request_class'); $class->new($self->env) }
105 25 4 0 $$self{'_response'} ||= do { my $class = $self->load('response_class'); $class->new(200) }
115 12 4 0 $$self{'_match'} ||= $dispatcher->match($self->req)