Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 0 86 0.0

line true false branch
84 0 0 if (-f $_) { }
0 0 elsif (-d $_) { }
86 0 0 if $verbose
111 0 0 unless ($$album{'parent'})
115 0 0 unless $silent
120 0 0 if ($$item{'type'} eq 'image') { }
0 0 elsif ($$item{'type'} eq 'album') { }
121 0 0 if (update_image($item))
126 0 0 if (generate($item, $album) and not $$item{'unlisted'})
151 0 0 if ($update_needed) { }
156 0 0 if $verbose
178 0 0 unless (-d $$album{'destination'})
185 0 0 unless (exists $$album{'allfiles'}{$dest})
186 0 0 unless (grep {$_ eq $file;} @{$$album{'protected'};})
187 0 0 unless $silent
194 0 0 if ($update_needed) { }
195 0 0 unless $$album{'unlisted'}
199 0 0 if $verbose
214 0 0 unless $silent
216 0 0 if ($$img{'watermark'}) { }
217 0 0 if system $$img{'watermark_command'}, $$img{'source'}, $$img{'watermark'}, $$img{'destination'}
224 0 0 if system $$img{'scale_command'}, $$img{'source'}, $$img{'destination'}
230 0 0 if system $$img{'thumbnail_command'}, $$img{'source'}, $$img{'thumbnail'}
258 0 0 if ($$_{'type'} eq 'image')
263 0 0 if ($$album{'sort'} eq 'ascending') { }
0 0 elsif ($$album{'sort'} eq 'descending') { }
0 0 elsif ($$album{'sort'} eq 'random') { }
273 0 0 unless (-f $$album{'thumbnail'})
277 0 0 unless $silent
278 0 0 unless $tt->process($$album{'template'}, $album, $$album{'index'})
294 0 0 if ($size < 3) { }
0 0 elsif ($size < $$album{'preview'}) { }
299 0 0 unless $silent
309 0 0 if $verbose
311 0 0 if system $$album{'preview_command'}, @images, $$album{'thumbnail'}
330 0 0 if ($$album{'parent'}) { }
359 0 0 unless opendir my $dh, $dir
361 0 0 if /^\./
362 0 0 if -f catfile($dir, $_)
363 0 0 if -d catdir($dir, $_)
383 0 0 unless -f $file1 and -f $file2
398 0 0 unless my $file = shift()
400 0 0 unless ($$exif{'DateTimeOriginal'})