Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 34 64 53.1

line true false branch
92 6 0 ref $log_item eq 'CODE' ? :
95 2 4 if ($log and not $tmp_disable_logging)
109 24 8 if ($screen_dirs[0] eq $logs_dirs[0]) { }
134 8 7 if $snippet
147 0 8 unless $engine->process($self->index_template, $vars, "index.html", {"binmode", ":utf8"})
158 0 8 unless $log and $log->{'feature'}
168 0 8 unless $log->{'template'}->process($self->feature_template, {%{$log;}}, $f, {"binmode", ":utf8"})
178 0 1 if ($self->screenshots_dir and not $self->logging_dir)
181 1 0 if ($self->logging_dir)
182 0 1 unless -d $self->logging_dir
245 1 0 if ($log)
269 0 0 if ($log)
282 2 0 if (grep {$_ eq "weasel";} @{$scenario->tags;})
283 0 2 if (&any(sub {
291 0 2 if (&any(sub {
296 2 0 if ($log)
313 0 1 unless defined $stash->{'ext_wsl'}
317 1 0 if ($log)
319 0 1 if ($log->{'scenario'}{'failing'}) { }
330 1 0 unless &any(sub {
336 0 1 unless defined $context->stash->{'scenario'}{'ext_wsl'}
341 1 0 if ($log)
357 0 1 unless defined $context->stash->{'scenario'}{'ext_wsl'}
360 1 0 if ($log)
361 0 1 if (ref $result) { }
363 0 0 if $result->result eq "failing"
446 0 5 unless $self->screenshots_dir
447 3 2 unless $self->screenshot_event_on("$phase-$event")
448 0 2 if $self->_weasel->session->state ne "started"
451 2 0 if (open my $fh, '>', $self->screenshots_dir . '/' . $img_name) { }
456 0 2 unless close $fh
464 2 0 if ($log)