Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 9 20 45.0

line true false branch
37 0 0 if ($self->print and not $self->kill)
40 0 0 if ($self->kill)
56 0 0 if ($self->print)
86 0 9 if ($db->database ne $row{'datname'})
89 4 5 if ($self->match_state ne '' and $row{'state'} ne $self->match_state)
92 1 4 if ($self->match_query ne '' and not $row{'query'} =~ /$self->{'match_query'}/im)
95 0 4 if ($self->ignore_match_state ne '' and $row{'state'} eq $self->ignore_match_state)
98 1 3 if ($self->ignore_match_query ne '' and $row{'query'} =~ /$self->{'ignore_match_query'}/im)
101 0 3 if ($self->run_time != 0)
105 0 0 if ($diff < $self->run_time)