Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 25 54 46.3

line true false branch
17 0 32 unless exists $found_symbols->{$package}
24 0 0 unless exists $loaded_symbols->{$package}
39 0 32 if @_ % 2
42 32 0 unless $parameters->{$package}
44 0 32 if exists $found_symbols->{$package}
58 0 0 if $@
65 0 12097 if $parameters->{$caller}{'debug'}
75 6912 3456 if $i->{'Clobber'}
78 1696 1760 if ($i->Module eq "${package}::Perlmazing::Precompile::$i->{'Name'}")
94 0 32 unless exists $precompile_symbols->{$package}
100 0 1696 unless defined $precompile_symbols->{$package}{$name}
126 12 1681 if exists $loaded_symbols->{$package} and exists $loaded_symbols->{$package}{$symbol}
127 0 1713 unless exists $found_symbols->{$package} and exists $found_symbols->{$package}{$symbol}
139 0 1713 if (my $e = $@)
142 0 1713 if length $stderr
144 0 1713 unless $loaded_symbols->{$package}{$symbol}
146 0 1713 if ("${package}::Perlmazing::$symbol"->isa("Perlmazing::Listable"))
158 0 0 unless @_
159 0 0 if ($wantarray) { }
0 0 elsif (defined $wantarray) { }
175 0 0 if (my $e = $@)
176 0 0 if ($e =~ /^Modification of a read\-only value attempted/u) { }
182 0 0 if $wantarray
195 1713 3480 if $i eq "Perlmazing::Engine"
196 1730 1750 if (my $ref = *{"${i}::$symbol";}{"CODE"})
199 1472 258 if (defined $proto_new and defined $proto_old and $proto_old ne $proto_new or defined $proto_old and not defined $proto_new or defined $proto_new and not defined $proto_old)
204 1730 0 if $ref eq $skeleton