Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 16 24 66.6

line true false branch
34 0 8 unless ($selname ||= $$mc{'ctx'}{'last_created'})
39 0 8 unless $ss and $$ss{'role'} eq 'selector'
43 0 8 unless $host =~ /^[\w\-\_\.\*\;\:\\]+$/
46 4 4 if $host =~ /\*/
69 0 3 unless ($svc and $$svc{'role'} eq 'selector')
94 0 36 unless $req
103 36 0 if ($$cb{'service'}{'extra_config'}{'_use_wild_card'}) { }
107 14 78 if ($vhost eq $host_name)
112 22 56 if ($vhost =~ /^$host_name$/)
125 36 0 if ($target) { }
128 20 24 if ($chk_uri =~ /$regex/)
136 0 36 if (not $svc) { }