Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 37 64 57.8

line true false branch
74 0 0 ref $cref eq 'SCALAR' ? :
75 0 0 defined $content ? :
76 0 0 if defined $content and $clen > 30
89 0 151 unless ref $self
172 40 11 if (exists $class_isa_cache{$sock_class})
174 0 40 unless defined $handler
182 3 11 unless $sock->isa($check_class)
210 759 71 if $last_callbacks == $now
216 1 84 if ($$ref[0] <= $now) { }
221 0 1 if defined $rv and $rv > 0
250 7 391 unless (defined $bref)
261 30 361 if ($idx == -1)
266 30 361 if ($idx == -1)
272 30 0 if ($$self{'ditch_leading_rn'} and $$self{'headers_string'} eq "\r\n")
280 0 0 if length $$self{'headers_string'} >= 102400
289 185 176 if (my $len = length $extra)
298 45 316 if $$self{'ditch_leading_rn'}
300 151 210 $is_res ? :
1 360 unless ($is_res ? $$self{'res_headers'} : $$self{'req_headers'} = 'Perlbal::HTTPHeaders'->new(\$hstr, $is_res))
309 209 151 unless $is_res
312 151 209 $is_res ? :
320 73 33 unless $$self{'read_ahead'}
334 0 0 if (defined $self->state and $self->state eq 'persist_wait')
347 1215 26 if ($ret = $self->SUPER::write(@_))
367 7 1774 unless @_
376 0 0 if (@_) { }
399 76 0 if $sf_defined
403 0 0 if $bytes > $max_sf_readwrite
406 0 0 unless defined $rv
407 0 0 unless $rv == $bytes
410 0 0 unless defined $wv
412 0 0 if (my $over_read = $rv - $wv)