Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 8 18 44.4

line true false branch
3 0 0 if (not ref $_ and /^[:\$&%\@]?(\w+)$/ and exists $EXPORT{$1} || exists $EXPORT_TAGS{$1})
1 0 unless @exports
10 0 4 unless defined wantarray
16 0 0 if not eval { do { &$code } } and $@ and not UNIVERSAL::isa($@, 'Perl6::Gather::Break')
17 4 0 if wantarray
18 0 0 if defined wantarray
23 1 3 unless @{$gatherers{$caller};}
28 0 33 unless @_
30 1 32 unless ((caller 3)[3] || '') eq 'Perl6::Gather::gather'