Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 517 874 59.1

and 2 conditions

line l !l condition
5568 28932 39 $self->[13] &&= 0

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
273 0 0 0 $self and length $self < 200
784 561 0 0 $self->[10] && $self->[9]
807 0 0 0 $maxle >= 0 and $level_diff > $maxle
825 560 1 0 $self->[21] and not $self->[36]
910 561 0 0 $maxue > 0 and $ue_count > $maxue
1162 47 0 0 $input_line =~ /^\#\!.*perl\b/ and not $self->[5]
1210 1 0 0 $input_line =~ /^=(\w+)\b/ and $1 ne "cut"
1229 42 0 6 $input_line =~ /^=(\w+)\b/ and $1 ne "cut"
1245 548 6966 15 not $self->[36] and substr($input_line, 0, 2) eq "#!"
7514 0 15 not $self->[36] and substr($input_line, 0, 2) eq "#!" and $input_line =~ /^\#\!.*perl\b/
1260 2 0 0 $last_nonblank_block_type && $last_nonblank_block_type eq 'BEGIN'
13 0 2 $input_line_number > 1 and not $last_nonblank_block_type && $last_nonblank_block_type eq 'BEGIN'
13 1 1 $input_line_number > 1 and not $last_nonblank_block_type && $last_nonblank_block_type eq 'BEGIN' and not $self->[21]
1 0 1 $input_line_number > 1 and not $last_nonblank_block_type && $last_nonblank_block_type eq 'BEGIN' and not $self->[21] and $input_line =~ /^\#\!(\s+)?(\S+)?perl/
1309 7509 1 5 $self->[21] and not $self->[36]
1318 6965 545 0 $input_line_number == 1 and $input_line =~ /^\s*\:\s*\#/
1456 7303 135 49 $self->[14] and $self->[16] < 0
7255 135 48 $self->[16] >= 0 and not $self->[14]
1514 314 543 13 $i == 1 and $line =~ /^\#\!/
1522 0 296 0 $rOpts_code_skipping and $line =~ /$code_skipping_pattern_begin/
1581 542 0 1 $3 and $self->[24]
1972 0 0 8 $pretoken and length $pretoken > $numc
0 0 8 $pretoken and length $pretoken > $numc and substr($pretoken, $numc) =~ /^(\d*)(.*)$/
2264 0 0 3 $i > 0 and $$rtokens[$i - 1] eq "^"
0 0 3 $i > 0 and $$rtokens[$i - 1] eq "^" and $self->split_pretoken(1)
2330 0 4 4781 not $id_scan_state and $i_plus_1 <= $max_token_index
4 4781 0 not $id_scan_state and $i_plus_1 <= $max_token_index and $fast_scan_context{$tok}
107 0 0 $tok eq "->" and $i < $max_token_index
107 0 0 $tok eq "->" and $i < $max_token_index and $rtokens->[$i_plus_1] eq '{' || $rtokens->[$i_plus_1] eq '['
2344 226 62 0 $rtoken_type->[$i_plus_1] eq "{" and $tok_begin eq '@' || $tok_begin eq '%'
2348 2565 2 1707 $rtoken_type->[$i_next] eq "b" and $i_next < $max_token_index
2355 100 8 4282 $pretype_next ne ":" and $pretype_next ne "'"
2635 1934 0 343 $typ_d ne "d" and $typ_d eq '+' || $typ_d eq '-'
0 0 343 $typ_d ne "d" and $typ_d eq '+' || $typ_d eq '-' and $i_d < $max_token_index
2646 301 48 1928 $typ_d eq "d" and $i_d == $max_token_index || $i_d < $max_token_index && $$rtoken_type[$i_d + 1] ne '.' && $$rtoken_type[$i_d + 1] ne 'w'
2790 4000 0 36 $is_indirect_object_taker{$last_nonblank_token} and $last_nonblank_type eq "k"
3212 771 17 $last_nonblank_token eq "(" and $is_indirect_object_taker{$rparen_type->[$paren_depth]}
2834 1321 547 3 $expecting == 1 and not $last_nonblank_token =~ /^(?:[\]\}\)\&]|\-\>)/
2864 3 0 0 $next_nonblank_token ne ")" and $next_nonblank_token ne "#"
2876 0 0 0 $i_tok > 0 and $last_nonblank_token =~ /^\$/
2973 0 0 2125 $type_lp and $type_lp eq "{"
2989 52 17 0 $num_sc > 0 and $num_sc != 2
3003 3065 0 0 $last_nonblank_token eq "(" and $last_nonblank_type eq "{"
3040 1 0 34 $brace_depth == $rdepth_array->[2][0][$paren_depth] and $square_bracket_depth == $rdepth_array->[2][1][$paren_depth]
3100 195 12 0 $last_nonblank_type eq "k" and $is_keyword_rejecting_slash_as_pattern_delimiter{$last_nonblank_token}
3163 1592 38 0 $statement_type eq 'case' || $statement_type eq 'when' and $statement_type eq $last_nonblank_token
1389 0 0 $last_nonblank_token eq "qw" and $is_for_foreach{$want_paren}
3256 367 0 0 $statement_type eq "when" and $last_nonblank_type eq "i"
367 0 0 $statement_type eq "when" and $last_nonblank_type eq "i" and $last_last_nonblank_type eq "k"
0 0 0 $statement_type eq "when" and $last_nonblank_type eq "i" and $last_last_nonblank_type eq "k" and $i_tok == 0 || $$rtoken_type[$i_tok - 1] eq 'b'
3276 333 934 34 $block_type and $last_nonblank_type eq "w"
1267 0 34 $block_type and $last_nonblank_type eq "w" and $last_nonblank_i >= 0
3405 186 0 1 $last_nonblank_type eq "k" and $is_keyword_rejecting_question_as_pattern_delimiter{$last_nonblank_token}
3458 226 12 0 $expecting == 0 and $last_nonblank_type eq "Z"
3459 0 0 0 $next_type ne "b" and $next_type ne "("
0 0 0 $next_type ne "b" and $next_type ne "(" and $next_type ne "#"
3518 262 9 0 $input_line_number == 1 and $last_nonblank_i == -1
248 0 1 $rparen_type->[$paren_depth] =~ /^sub\b/ and not is_balanced_closing_container(3)
233 0 15 $is_my_our_state{$statement_type} and $rcurrent_depth->[3] == 0
187 0 46 $is_case_default{$statement_type} and not is_balanced_closing_container(3)
3614 0 0 0 $next_type ne "b" and $next_type ne "("
3674 97 334 10 $expecting != 1 and $is_file_test_operator{$next_tok}
3718 0 0 5 $last_nonblank_token eq "{" and not $next_tok =~ /^\d/
0 0 5 $last_nonblank_token eq "{" and not $next_tok =~ /^\d/ and $next_tok =~ /^\w/
3741 5 0 0 $last_last_nonblank_type ne "t" and $last_last_nonblank_type ne "Z"
5 0 0 $last_last_nonblank_type ne "t" and $last_last_nonblank_type ne "Z" and $last_last_nonblank_token ne "\$#"
3986 58 0 0 $expecting == -1 and $last_nonblank_token ne ","
3996 66 0 8 $expecting == -1 and $last_nonblank_token ne ","
4137 769 0 3 $expecting == 1 and substr($tok, 0, 1) eq "x"
769 0 3 $expecting == 1 and substr($tok, 0, 1) eq "x" and length $tok == 1 || substr($tok, 1, 1) =~ /^\d/
4256 2 27 0 $last_nonblank_token ne ";" and not $is_if_elsif_unless{$last_nonblank_block_type}
4270 0 43 1 $last_nonblank_token ne ";" and not $is_if_elsif_unless_case_when{$last_nonblank_block_type}
43 1 0 $last_nonblank_token ne ";" and not $is_if_elsif_unless_case_when{$last_nonblank_block_type} and not $is_if_elsif_unless_case_when{$statement_type}
4336 0 0 0 $tok eq 'qw' && ($last_nonblank_token =~ /^([\]\}\&]|\-\>)/ || $is_for_foreach{$want_paren})
4349 83 0 119 $tok eq 'qw' && $self->[22]
4363 847 2 108 $statement_type eq "use" and $last_nonblank_token eq "use"
4380 0 0 0 $rsaw_use_module->{$current_package}{'RPerl'} and $tok =~ /^sse_(mul|div|add|sub)$/
4427 276 0 0 $tok eq "x" and $last_nonblank_type eq "w"
4439 928 4 0 $tok eq "_" and $last_nonblank_type eq "F"
4445 932 0 0 $tok eq "case" and $rbrace_type->[$brace_depth] eq "switch"
932 0 0 $tok eq "when" and $rbrace_type->[$brace_depth] eq "given"
4461 241 0 0 $tok eq "x" and $last_nonblank_type eq "w"
4487 32 0 3 $is_sub{$tok_kw} and $expecting != 1
32 0 3 $is_sub{$tok_kw} and $expecting != 1 and $next_nonblank_token eq ":"
4497 1 0 2 $nn_nonblank_token =~ /^\w/ && !($nn_nonblank_token =~ /^\d/) && !$is_keyword{$nn_nonblank_token}
4517 5533 33 266 $$rtokens[$i + 1] eq ":" and $$rtokens[$i + 2] eq ":"
4548 7 4327 790 not $is_END_or_DATA and $next_nonblank_token eq "="
4334 4 786 not $is_END_or_DATA and $next_nonblank_token eq "=" and $$rtokens[$i_next + 1] eq ">"
4213 125 0 $next_nonblank_token eq "}" and $last_nonblank_type eq 'L' || $last_nonblank_type eq 'm' && $last_last_nonblank_type eq 'L'
3943 278 17 $expecting == 1 and substr($tok, 0, 1) eq "x"
4221 17 0 $expecting == 1 and substr($tok, 0, 1) eq "x" and length $tok == 1 || substr($tok, 1, 1) =~ /^\d/
4202 2 14 $tok eq "strict" and $last_nonblank_token eq "use"
4195 2 7 $tok eq "warnings" and $last_nonblank_token eq "use"
4197 0 0 $tok eq "AutoLoader" and $self->[32]
0 0 0 $tok eq "AutoLoader" and $self->[32] and $last_nonblank_token eq 'use' || $input_line =~ /^\s*(use|require)\s+AutoLoader\b/ || $input_line =~ /\bISA\s*=.*\bAutoLoader\b/
4197 0 0 $tok eq "SelfLoader" and $self->[33]
0 0 0 $tok eq "SelfLoader" and $self->[33] and $last_nonblank_token eq 'use' || $input_line =~ /^\s*(use|require)\s+SelfLoader\b/ || $input_line =~ /\bISA\s*=.*\bSelfLoader\b/
4181 0 16 $tok eq "constant" and $last_nonblank_token eq "use"
3674 267 38 $next_nonblank_token eq ":" and $$rtokens[$i_next + 1] ne ":"
3941 3 35 $next_nonblank_token eq ":" and $$rtokens[$i_next + 1] ne ":" and $i_next <= $max_token_index
270 2 33 $next_nonblank_token eq ":" and $$rtokens[$i_next + 1] ne ":" and $i_next <= $max_token_index and not $self->sub_attribute_ok_here($tok_kw, $next_nonblank_token, $i_next)
5 0 33 $next_nonblank_token eq ":" and $$rtokens[$i_next + 1] ne ":" and $i_next <= $max_token_index and not $self->sub_attribute_ok_here($tok_kw, $next_nonblank_token, $i_next) and new_statement_ok()
3613 0 1 $tok_kw eq "format" and new_statement_ok()
735 230 0 $last_nonblank_type eq "k" and $is_redo_last_next_goto{$last_nonblank_token}
4684 290 2 10 $tok_kw eq "method" and $guess_if_method
4841 29 1 0 $saw_modifier_e and $i_tok >= 0
5093 7496 0 14 substr($untrimmed_input_line, 0, 1) eq "=" and $untrimmed_input_line =~ /^=[A-Za-z_]/
5100 0 0 14 not $in_quote and $self->operator_expected("=", "b", $blank_after_Z) == -1
5121 7312 137 47 $in_quote and $quote_type eq "Q"
5144 3328 0 213 ord substr($untrimmed_input_line, 0, 1) == 9 and $untrimmed_input_line =~ /^(\t+)/
5186 786 0 2 substr($input_line, 0, 4) eq '#<<V' || $rOpts_code_skipping_begin and $rOpts_code_skipping
786 0 2 substr($input_line, 0, 4) eq '#<<V' || $rOpts_code_skipping_begin and $rOpts_code_skipping and $input_line =~ /$code_skipping_pattern_begin/
5212 5697 14 7 substr($input_line, 0, 1) eq "_" and $input_line =~ /^__(END|DATA)__\s*$/
5301 15211 3 35283 $type ne "b" and $type ne "CORE::"
5304 33297 394 1592 $type eq "n" and $tok ne 0
5330 29163 355 1 $type eq "R" and $last_nonblank_type eq "Z"
5449 29123 130 5550 $can_start_digraph{$tok} and $i < $max_token_index
29253 2991 2559 $can_start_digraph{$tok} and $i < $max_token_index and $is_digraph{$tok . $$rtokens[$i + 1]}
5469 2543 0 16 $test_tok eq "//" and $last_nonblank_type ne "Z"
5487 41 0 2518 $combine_ok and $test_tok ne "/="
41 0 2518 $combine_ok and $test_tok ne "/=" and $test_tok ne "x="
0 0 2518 $combine_ok and $test_tok ne "/=" and $test_tok ne "x=" and $test_tok ne "*="
5536 8351 27 13 $last_nonblank_type eq 'Z' && ($i == 0 || $$rtoken_type[$i - 1] eq 'b')
5598 145 328 5429 $type ne "b" and $type ne "#"
5765 307 179 8 $type_i eq ":" and $routput_indent_flag->[$i] < 0
6034 2524 11 3 $tok eq "/" and $next_type eq "/"
2535 2 1 $tok eq "/" and $next_type eq "/" and $is_keyword_rejecting_slash_as_pattern_delimiter{$last_nonblank_token}
2536 1 0 $tok eq "?" and $last_nonblank_token eq "split"
6110 1366 0 0 $tok eq "/" and $next_type eq "/"
1366 0 0 $tok eq "/" and $next_type eq "/" and $last_nonblank_token eq "]"
6171 38 0 0 $tok eq "x" and $next_type =~ /^[\(\$\@\%]$/
26 8 0 $blank_after_Z and $next_type ne "b"
6259 277 0 99 $last_nonblank_token eq "}" and $last_nonblank_type eq $last_nonblank_token
6307 1211 0 90 $last_nonblank_token eq "{" and $last_nonblank_type eq $last_nonblank_token
1154 0 9 $last_nonblank_token eq "}" and $last_nonblank_type eq $last_nonblank_token
346 0 152 $last_nonblank_type eq "t" and substr($last_nonblank_token, 0, 3) eq "sub"
6377 243 237 0 $last_nonblank_type eq "k" and $last_nonblank_token eq 'if' || $last_nonblank_token eq 'unless'
6430 0 80 1 $paren_type and $is_sort_map_grep{$paren_type}
6512 8 0 155 defined $rpre_types and @{$rpre_types;}
6530 83 0 0 $pre_types[$j] eq "-" and $pre_types[++$j] eq "w"
6559 80 0 0 $pre_types[$j] eq "," and not $is_q_qq_qx_qr_s_y_tr_m{$pre_tokens[$jbeg]}
62 0 18 $pre_types[$j] eq "=" and $pre_types[++$j] eq ">"
6607 0 0 0 $i_tok > 0 and $last_nonblank_i >= 0
6827 2906 1667 1 $aa == 0 and $saved_type eq "Z"
4573 0 1 $aa == 0 and $saved_type eq "Z" and $last_nonblank_type eq "w"
1667 0 1 $aa == 0 and $saved_type eq "Z" and $last_nonblank_type eq "w" and $rbrace_structural_type->[$brace_depth] eq "L"
6845 0 0 0 $saw_brace_error <= 6 and $diff > 0 || $saw_brace_error <= 0
7136 0 0 0 $i > 1 && !($next_token =~ /^\s/) && $$rtokens[$i - 2] =~ /^\s/
7354 269 5 0 not $sub_name and substr($package, -1, 1) eq "'"
7366 1360 38 0 $is_keyword{$tok} and $last_nonblank_type ne "->"
7372 0 669 1003 $type eq "w" and $last_nonblank_type ne "->"
7376 988 0 1 $last_nonblank_token eq "sort" and $last_nonblank_type eq "k"
280 702 0 not $input_line =~ /\G\(/cg and $is_indirect_object_taker{$last_nonblank_token} || $last_nonblank_token eq '(' && $is_indirect_object_taker{$rparen_type->[$paren_depth]}
7619 0 0 10 defined $type && $type
321 10 0 $id_scan_state and not defined $type && $type
7709 0 0 26 defined $1 && $1
7837 269 204 13 $container_type && $container_type =~ /^sub\b/
7857 188 26 0 $tok =~ /^[\@\%\&\*]$/ and $identifier =~ /\-\>$/
214 0 0 $tok eq "'" and $allow_tick
7901 4 0 95 not $last_tok_is_blank || $in_prototype_or_signature and $identifier =~ /^[\%\@\$\*]$/ || $identifier =~ /\$$/
0 0 95 not $last_tok_is_blank || $in_prototype_or_signature and $identifier =~ /^[\%\@\$\*]$/ || $identifier =~ /\$$/ and not $is_punct_var
7940 6 0 32 $identifier eq '$' || $identifier eq '@' || $identifier eq '$#' and $i + 2 <= $max_token_index
6 22 10 $identifier eq '$' || $identifier eq '@' || $identifier eq '$#' and $i + 2 <= $max_token_index and $$rtokens[$i + 2] eq "}"
22 9 1 $identifier eq '$' || $identifier eq '@' || $identifier eq '$#' and $i + 2 <= $max_token_index and $$rtokens[$i + 2] eq "}" and not $$rtokens[$i + 1] =~ /[\s\w]/
8065 43 0 3 $in_prototype_or_signature and $tok =~ /^[\),=#]/
2 0 6 $tok eq "*" and $identifier =~ /\-\>([\@\%\$\*\&]|\$\#)$/
8086 0 2 0 $id_scan_state eq $scan_state_SIGIL and $tok eq "#"
8157 13 0 0 $tok eq "'" and $allow_tick
7 6 0 $tok_is_blank and $identifier =~ /^sub /
13 0 0 $tok eq "(" and $identifier =~ /^sub /
8190 305 0 12 $tok eq "'" and $allow_tick
184 121 0 $tok_is_blank and $identifier =~ /^sub /
276 29 0 $tok eq "(" and $identifier =~ /^sub /
8273 17 0 0 $tok eq "'" and $allow_tick
8287 0 0 2 length $identifier == 1 and $i == $max_token_index
8352 0 0 0 $identifier eq "&" and $expecting
0 0 0 $identifier eq "&" and $expecting and $tok ne "#"
8488 17 77 1169 $i < $max_token_index and $id_scan_state
8522 1049 4 113 $tok eq ":" and $$rtokens[$i + 1] eq ":"
8569 53 0 0 $identifier =~ /\$$/ && $tok eq '{'
51 0 53 length $identifier > 1 and not $identifier =~ /\$$/ && $tok eq '{'
51 0 53 length $identifier > 1 and not $identifier =~ /\$$/ && $tok eq '{' and $identifier ne "sub "
0 0 53 length $identifier > 1 and not $identifier =~ /\$$/ && $tok eq '{' and $identifier ne "sub " and $identifier ne "package "
8574 348 0 0 $identifier =~ /^->/ and $last_nonblank_type eq "w"
348 0 0 $identifier =~ /^->/ and $last_nonblank_type eq "w" and substr($identifier, 2, 1) =~ /^\w/
8610 0 0 5 $id_scan_state_begin and $identifier =~ /^([\$\%\@\*\&]|->)/
8750 7 172 122 $call_type == 1 and $input_line =~ /\G\s*
8761 122 0 0 $last_nonblank_type eq 'k' && $last_nonblank_token eq 'my'
8763 122 0 0 $is_lexical_sub and $1
8787 0 116 6 defined $1 && $1
8821 0 289 12 $input_line =~ /\G(\s*\([^\)\(\}\{\,#A-Za-z]*\))? # PROTO
8834 11 10 24 $proto and $match || $call_type == 3
8853 34 9 2 $tok eq "sub" and not $proto
8868 134 2 1 $pos == $pos_beg and $tok eq ":"
8889 134 0 2 $type eq "k" and $attrs
134 0 2 $type eq "k" and $attrs and $i > $i_entry
0 0 2 $type eq "k" and $attrs and $i > $i_entry and substr($rtokens->[$i], 0, 1) =~ /\s/
8907 0 0 7 defined $rpre_tokens and @{$rpre_tokens;}
8922 95 0 0 $rsaw_function_definition->{$subname}{$package} and not $subname =~ /^[A-Z]+$/
8982 0 0 0 $rinput_hash->{'tok'} eq "method" and $call_type == 1
9032 5592 559 9 $i == $max_token_index - 1 and $rtokens->[$max_token_index] =~ /^\s+$/
9046 0 0 6160 defined $next_nonblank_token and length $next_nonblank_token
9052 3807 0 2353 $ord >= 33 and $ord <= 126
9095 0 0 98 $next_nonblank_token and $next_nonblank_token ne " "
0 0 98 $next_nonblank_token and $next_nonblank_token ne " " and defined $$rtokens[$i_next + 1]
9344 7 0 0 $i_beg == 0 && $self->[25] == 1
9348 7 0 0 $str =~ /^<\?xml\s.*\?>$/i and $is_first_string
9552 504 16 37 substr($input_line, $pos - 1, 1) eq "." and substr($input_line, $pos, 1) eq "."
9565 310 16 0 $number =~ /^(.*)[eE]/ and not $1 =~ /\d/
9641 3 0 0 $next_token =~ /^\s*$/ and $expecting == -1
9674 6 0 0 $tokj eq "\\" and $j < $i - 1
6 0 0 $tokj eq "\\" and $j < $i - 1 and $$rtokens[$j + 1] eq $here_quote_character
9717 0 9 0 $found_target and $backslash
9848 2629 2 0 $tok eq "#" and $allow_quote_comments
9960 7 1 368 $tok ne $end_tok and $tok ne $beginning_tok

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
8847 30 15 $match ||= 1

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
781 0 0 561 $self->[7] || $self->[8]
784 0 0 561 $severe_error ||= $self->[10] && $self->[9]
846 0 0 0 $self->[38] or $self->[37]
1355 0 0 0 $self->[38] or $self->[37]
1439 6600 20 867 $self->[40] or $input_line =~ /^\s*$/
20 310 557 $self->[40] or $input_line =~ /^\s*$/ or $input_line =~ /^\s*#/
2330 0 0 0 $rtokens->[$i_plus_1] eq '{' || $rtokens->[$i_plus_1] eq '['
2344 18 12 32 $tok_begin eq '@' || $tok_begin eq '%'
2487 1 0 5 not $next_char or $next_char eq "#"
2563 1 0 5 not $next_char or $next_char eq "#"
2635 13 330 0 $typ_d eq '+' || $typ_d eq '-'
2646 27 1904 45 $i_d == $max_token_index || $i_d < $max_token_index && $$rtoken_type[$i_d + 1] ne '.' && $$rtoken_type[$i_d + 1] ne 'w'
2660 333 1325 57 $tok_d eq 0 or substr($tok_d, 0, 1) ne 0
2790 36 17 3983 $is_indirect_object_taker{$last_nonblank_token} and $last_nonblank_type eq "k" or $last_nonblank_token eq "(" and $is_indirect_object_taker{$rparen_type->[$paren_depth]}
45 0 3938 $last_nonblank_type eq "w" or $last_nonblank_type eq "U"
17 0 3983 $is_indirect_object_taker{$last_nonblank_token} and $last_nonblank_type eq "k" or $last_nonblank_token eq "(" and $is_indirect_object_taker{$rparen_type->[$paren_depth]} or ($last_nonblank_type eq "w" or $last_nonblank_type eq "U")
3163 33 5 1592 $statement_type eq 'case' || $statement_type eq 'when'
3256 0 0 0 $i_tok == 0 || $$rtoken_type[$i_tok - 1] eq 'b'
3288 33 5 1263 $statement_type eq "case" or $statement_type eq "when"
3291 4 0 34 not $block_type or $block_type eq "}"
3361 104 0 3 $expecting == -1 or $next_type ne "b"
4137 0 3 0 length $tok == 1 || substr($tok, 1, 1) =~ /^\d/
4241 4 52 1709 $tok eq "when" or $tok eq "case"
56 0 1709 $tok eq "when" or $tok eq "case" or $tok eq "default"
4445 0 0 932 $tok eq "case" and $rbrace_type->[$brace_depth] eq "switch" or $tok eq "when" and $rbrace_type->[$brace_depth] eq "given"
4461 0 0 241 $tok eq "switch" or $tok eq "given"
4548 98 0 27 $last_nonblank_type eq 'L' || $last_nonblank_type eq 'm' && $last_last_nonblank_type eq 'L'
15 2 0 length $tok == 1 || substr($tok, 1, 1) =~ /^\d/
0 0 0 $last_nonblank_token eq 'use' || $input_line =~ /^\s*(use|require)\s+AutoLoader\b/ || $input_line =~ /\bISA\s*=.*\bAutoLoader\b/
0 0 0 $last_nonblank_token eq 'use' || $input_line =~ /^\s*(use|require)\s+SelfLoader\b/ || $input_line =~ /\bISA\s*=.*\bSelfLoader\b/
4685 0 4 6 $expecting == 1 or not $next_nonblank_token =~ /^[\w\:]/
4 3 3 $expecting == 1 or not $next_nonblank_token =~ /^[\w\:]/ or not $self->method_ok_here
4713 0 2 6 $expecting == 1 or not $next_nonblank_token =~ /^[\w\:]/
2 2 4 $expecting == 1 or not $next_nonblank_token =~ /^[\w\:]/ or not $self->class_ok_here
4831 0 1 46 $saw_modifier_e ||= $char eq "e"
5186 2 0 786 substr($input_line, 0, 4) eq '#<<V' || $rOpts_code_skipping_begin
5298 183 116 2469 $in_quote or $i > $max_token_index
5342 0 674 211 $last_nonblank_type eq "w" or $last_nonblank_type eq "i"
5404 10 0 7 $is_sub{$id_scan_state} or $is_package{$id_scan_state}
5430 3 6 7 $i > 0 or $type
5737 3713 367 307 $type_i eq "{" or $type_i eq "L"
5765 3713 367 494 $type_i eq "}" or $type_i eq "R"
4080 8 486 $type_i eq "}" or $type_i eq "R" or $type_i eq ":" and $routput_indent_flag->[$i] < 0
6078 2122 0 1386 $is_paren_dollar{substr $last_nonblank_token, 0, 1} or substr($last_nonblank_token, 0, 2) eq "->"
6286 149 42 86 $last_nonblank_type eq ';' || $last_nonblank_type eq 'J'
6307 475 0 645 $is_code_block_token{$last_nonblank_token} or $is_grep_alias{$last_nonblank_token}
4 138 498 $last_nonblank_type eq "P" or $last_nonblank_type eq "S"
142 0 498 $last_nonblank_type eq "P" or $last_nonblank_type eq "S" or $last_nonblank_type eq "t" and substr($last_nonblank_token, 0, 3) eq "sub"
6377 0 0 237 $last_nonblank_token eq 'if' || $last_nonblank_token eq 'unless'
6559 0 23 57 $pre_types[$j] eq "," and not $is_q_qq_qx_qr_s_y_tr_m{$pre_tokens[$jbeg]} or $pre_types[$j] eq "=" and $pre_types[++$j] eq ">"
6680 643 0 1619 $is_sigil_or_paren{substr $last_nonblank_token, 0, 1} || substr($last_nonblank_token, 0, 2) eq '->' || $is_R_closing_sb{$last_nonblank_type}
6845 0 0 0 $diff > 0 || $saw_brace_error <= 0
6860 0 0 0 $diff == 1 or $diff == -1
7061 0 0 0 $s_quote % 2 or $d_quote % 2
0 0 0 $s_quote % 2 or $d_quote % 2 or $colons
7376 4 0 698 $is_indirect_object_taker{$last_nonblank_token} || $last_nonblank_token eq '(' && $is_indirect_object_taker{$rparen_type->[$paren_depth]}
7457 0 4 0 pos $input_line == length $input_line or $input_line =~ /\G[;\s]/cg
7901 4 0 95 $last_tok_is_blank || $in_prototype_or_signature
94 1 0 $identifier =~ /^[\%\@\$\*]$/ || $identifier =~ /\$$/
7940 26 6 6 $identifier eq '$' || $identifier eq '@' || $identifier eq '$#'
7964 26 0 11 $identifier eq "\$" or $i == 0
8297 15 0 0 $identifier eq "&" or $i == 0
8421 287 6 180 $tok eq "\$" or $tok eq "*"
25 52 103 $tok eq "%" or $tok eq "\@"
0 0 0 $tok eq "sub" or $tok eq "package"
8821 34 11 256 $1 || $2
8834 22 2 10 $match || $call_type == 3
9052 3807 0 0 $ord == 32 or $ord == 9
9193 0 0 0 $next_nonblank_token =~ /^\s*$/ or $next_nonblank_token eq "#"
9303 1 0 0 substr($last_nonblank_token, 0, 1) =~ /[A-Za-z_]/ or substr($str, 1, 1) =~ /[A-Za-z_]/
9419 0 0 0 $br or $sb
0 0 0 $br or $sb or $pr
9565 303 0 326 not $number =~ /\d/ or $number =~ /^(.*)[eE]/ and not $1 =~ /\d/
9895 3 0 1 $quote_pos == 0 or $i < 0
10085 0 0 0 $pos < 0 or $pos > length $underline