Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 668 826 80.8

line true false branch
68 0 0 if $AUTOLOAD =~ /\bDESTROY$/
235 0 551 if (not $rOpts->{'valign-exclusion-list'} and $rOpts->{'valign-inclusion-list'})
242 3 551 if ($rOpts->{'valign-exclusion-list'})
245 1 2 if ($rOpts->{'valign-inclusion-list'})
257 0 3 unless (@vxl)
264 1 2 if (defined $valign_control_hash{'*'})
270 3 0 if (%valign_control_hash)
294 0 0 if ($exact_match)
295 0 0 if ($error)
429 0 0 if ($diagnostics_object)
450 0 0 if ($logger_object)
458 0 0 if ($logger_object)
466 91 0 if ($logger_object)
475 0 1 get_cached_line_type() ? :
484 262 3845 ref $indentation ? :
636 386 6980 ref $indentation ? :
651 48 7318 if $is_hanging_side_comment
657 632 6734 if ($is_block_comment) { }
666 67 6667 if ($self->[21] > 1)
674 44 7322 if ($forget_side_comment)
694 224 7142 if ($cached_line_type)
696 224 0 if ($rvertical_tightness_flags)
698 4 200 if ($cached_seqno and $rvertical_tightness_flags->{'_vt_seqno'} and $rvertical_tightness_flags->{'_vt_seqno'} == $cached_seqno)
710 4 0 unless $min_lines
711 4 0 unless $max_lines
712 3 1 if ($line_count >= $min_lines and $line_count <= $max_lines)
723 0 11 if ($cached_line_type == 3 and not $self->group_line_count and $cached_line_opening_flag < 2 and not $is_balanced_line)
733 0 7366 if ($level < 0)
738 15 4533 if ($level != $group_level or $group_maximum_line_length and $maximum_line_length != $group_maximum_line_length or $is_outdented or $is_block_comment and not $self->[11] or not $is_block_comment || $self->[12] || $self->[10])
758 186 2647 ref $indentation ? :
765 558 6808 if ($self->[24] eq "COMMENT")
766 77 481 if ($is_block_comment and $outdent_long_lines and $leading_space_count == $self->[28]) { }
783 27 7262 if ($break_alignment_before and @{$rgroup_lines;})
792 13 7276 if ($is_terminal_ternary and @{$rgroup_lines;})
806 9 3 if ($rfields->[0] eq "else " and @{$rgroup_lines;} and $is_balanced_line)
820 4272 3017 if ($jmax <= 0) { }
823 337 3935 if (@{$rgroup_lines;} and not get_recoverable_spaces($rgroup_lines->[0]{'indentation'}))
829 308 29 if ($rgroup_lines->[0]{'jmax'} > 1 or $self->[26] > 3)
841 531 24 if ($is_block_comment and $outdent_long_lines and not @{$rgroup_lines;})
855 3697 1 unless (@{$rgroup_lines;} or get_recoverable_spaces($indentation))
884 2736 325 if ($jmax == 0 or $$rtokens[$jmax - 1] ne "#")
935 988 2073 if $list_seqno
945 20 3041 if (defined $j_terminal_match) { }
119 2922 elsif ($level_end < $level or $is_closing_token{substr $rfields->[0], 0, 1}) { }
981 0 38 unless $jmax == 1
985 0 38 unless $rtokens->[0] eq "#"
989 0 38 unless $rfields->[0] =~ /^\s*$/
993 35 3 unless $maximum_field_index > $jmax
1041 930 102 if ($is_comma_token{$raw_tok})
1048 26 845 unless ($is_comma_token{$raw_tok})
1076 0 13 unless $old_line
1079 0 13 if (%valign_control_hash)
1081 0 0 unless defined $align_ok
1082 0 0 unless $align_ok
1100 13 1 if ($raw_tok eq "?")
1104 0 13 unless $depth_question eq $group_level
1107 13 0 if ($$rfields_old[$j + 1] =~ /^(\?\s*)/) { }
1117 0 13 unless defined $jquestion
1142 13 0 if ($fields[0] =~ /^(:\s*)(.*)$/) { }
1151 13 0 if ($therest) { }
1165 0 13 unless $patterns[0] =~ s/^\:/?/
1172 1 12 if $jadd
1173 1 12 if $jadd
1183 0 0 unless $jmax > 0 and $tokens[0] ne "#"
1196 0 0 if $jadd
1197 0 0 if $jadd
1216 0 0 if $jadd
1217 0 0 if $jadd
1250 0 9 unless $old_line
1252 0 9 unless $jmax > 0
1254 0 9 if (%valign_control_hash)
1256 0 0 unless defined $align_ok
1257 0 0 unless $align_ok
1264 2 7 unless $rfields_old->[0] =~ /^(if|elsif|unless)\s*$/
1269 7 0 if ($tok_brace =~ /^\{(\d+)/) { }
1282 0 7 unless $tok_test eq $tok_paren
1288 7 1 if ($tok eq $tok_brace)
1293 0 7 unless defined $jbrace
1305 0 7 if ($rfields_old->[0] =~ /^case\s*$/) { }
1358 82 1055 if ($jmax > $maximum_field_index)
1362 38 1099 if ($new_line->{'is_hanging_side_comment'}) { }
1372 0 1099 if ($base_line->{'is_hanging_side_comment'}) { }
1396 0 1099 if ($ci_prev != $ci_new and $imax_align >= 0 and $ci_new == 0 || $group_line_count > 1) { }
27 1072 elsif ($imax_align != $jlimit) { }
1412 1110 27 unless (defined $return_value)
1416 118 992 if ($maximum_field_index != $jmax) { }
979 13 elsif ($self->check_fit($new_line, $base_line) and 1) { }
1464 0 992 if ($jmax_old ne $jmax)
1484 992 2433 if ($j == 0)
1489 1059 2366 if $pad < 0
1492 13 2353 if ($pad > $padding_available)
1558 10 0 if ($rOpts_indent_columns)
1563 0 10 if ($level < 0)
1578 0 531 unless @{$rgroup_lines;}
1589 38 570 if ($excess > $max_excess)
1595 36 495 if ($max_excess > 0)
1597 36 0 if ($leading_space_count < 0)
1605 18 18 unless ($outdented_line_count)
1652 3333 2234 unless @{$rgroup_lines;}
1667 531 1703 if ($group_type eq "COMMENT")
1689 255 1448 if @{$rgroups;} > 1
1692 199 1504 if ($saw_side_comment)
1704 851 852 if ($group_level > $self->[13])
1707 571 280 if (defined $level_jump) { }
1719 376 1327 $extra_indent_ok ? :
1748 92 1611 if (ref $object)
1774 2082 979 if ($group_line_count == 0) { }
1789 0 1286 unless @{$rgroups;}
1790 0 1286 unless $group_line_count > 0
1798 0 2101 unless @{$rgroups;}
1799 19 2082 unless $group_line_count > 0
1806 254 1828 if ($jend - $jbeg == 1)
1811 0 254 if ($imax_pair > $imax_align)
1819 59 195 $jbeg > 0 ? :
1824 14 240 if ($is_marginal)
1837 0 1 unless @{$rgroups;} > 1
1858 0 1703 unless @{$rlines;}
1870 1775 1286 unless ($group_line_count)
1872 22 1753 if ($new_line->{'end_group'})
1880 0 1286 unless (defined $jbeg)
1896 19 1267 if (defined $j_terminal_match)
1904 0 19 unless defined $col_matching_terminal
1927 38 1248 if ($new_line->{'is_hanging_side_comment'}) { }
194 1054 elsif ($new_line->{'jmax'} == 1) { }
1944 149 45 unless $side_comment and $prev_comment
1950 1137 149 if ($group_line_count)
1955 158 979 if ($match_code != 2)
1961 19 1267 if (defined $j_terminal_match) { }
50 1217 elsif ($new_line->{'end_group'}) { }
1972 3 16 if ($group_line_count == 1)
1974 2 1 unless ($fixit)
1975 2 0 if (@{$rgroups;} > 1)
1983 2 17 if ($fixit)
1989 0 2 unless defined $col_now
1994 1 1 if ($col_now and $pad > 0 and $pad <= $padding_available)
2000 1 1 unless ($new_line->{'is_terminal_ternary'})
2045 0 18 unless $imax_min < @{$rfield_lengths;} and $imax_min < @{$rfield_lengths_m;}
2054 10 8 $lensum >= $lensum_m ? :
2058 16 0 if ($line_m->{'list_type'} and $line->{'list_type'})
2065 2 44 if ($pat ne $pat_m)
2070 0 18 if (not $patterns_match and $lenmax > 2 * $lenmin)
2093 0 255 unless $ng_max > 0
2150 0 634 unless defined $istop
2151 0 634 if $istop > $imax
2154 255 379 if $ng == 0
2157 86 293 $imax > $imax_m ? :
2160 51 328 if ($istop_m < $imax_min)
2168 73 146 if ($jend == $jbeg and $jend_m == $jbeg_m and $ng == 1 || $istop_mm < 0 and $ng == $ng_max || $istop < 0 and not $line->{'j_terminal_match'} and $imax != $imax_m || $istop_m != $imax_m)
2184 52 21 unless $imax_min >= 0
2186 3 18 unless $rtokens->[0] =~ /^=\d/ or $list_type
2194 0 18 unless $pad_max
2201 78 246 if ($imax_min >= 0)
2205 0 144 if $tok ne $tok_m
2210 191 64 unless @icommon
2218 0 123 unless $Perl::Tidy::VerticalAligner::a->[0] <=> $Perl::Tidy::VerticalAligner::b->[0]
2232 29 51 if (defined $ng_last and $ng_beg == $ng_last and $i == $i_last)
2296 10 108 unless defined $ngb and $nge > $ngb
2303 77 165 if ($move > 0) { }
0 165 elsif ($move < 0) { }
2309 0 21 if defined $rmax_move->{$ng} and $move > $rmax_move->{$ng} and not $is_good_alignment_token{$raw_tok}
2334 0 115 unless $ng_end > $ng_beg
2367 115 144 unless (defined $col_want)
2424 31 113 if ($top_level and $is_good_alignment_token{$raw_tok}) { }
102 19 elsif (defined $is_good_alignment_token{$raw_tok} and $lines_total > 2 || $group_list_type && $jmax < $jmax_m && $top_level) { }
2442 66 36 if ($top_level)
2448 118 26 unless ($is_same_group)
2460 0 144 if ($is_big_gap)
2465 0 134 if ($col_want > $col_max or $col > $col_limit or $is_big_gap or $is_blocked)
2472 9 1 unless (defined $blocking_level[$ng])
2492 42 92 if ($col > $col_want)
2493 35 99 if ($col_max < $col_limit)
2497 108 7 if ($ng_end > $ng_first)
2518 0 469 unless defined $line_obj and defined $ridel and @{$ridel;}
2563 743 772 if (not $delete_me{$j}) { }
2570 469 303 unless (defined $jmin_del)
2591 1 468 if (defined $j_terminal_match and $jmin_del <= $j_terminal_match)
2596 76 393 if ($line_obj->{'list_seqno'})
2605 49 27 if ($rtokens_new->[0] =~ /^(=>|,)/)
2608 44 32 if (not $old_list_type or $old_list_type ne $new_list_type)
2662 7893 1433 if (defined $decoded_token{$tok})
2667 1129 304 if ($tok =~ /^(\D+)(\d+)([^\.]*)(\.(\d+))?$/)
2670 439 690 if $3
2671 67 1062 if $5
2715 0 1703 unless @{$rlines;}
2718 1121 582 if (@{$rlines;} == 1)
2735 1 581 unless $jmax >= 0
2750 72 1241 if ($rnew_lines->[$jl]{'end_group'})
2768 152 429 if $max_lev_diff
2801 3264 1894 if ($tok ne '#') { }
2802 1775 1489 if (not defined $lev_min) { }
2807 75 1414 if ($lev < $lev_min)
2808 256 1233 if ($lev > $lev_max)
2812 1705 189 unless ($saw_side_comment)
2824 516 4642 if (not defined $i_eq and $raw_tok eq "=")
2826 405 111 if ($lev eq $group_level)
2837 1775 119 if (defined $lev_min)
2839 160 1615 if ($lev_diff > $max_lev_diff)
2855 2662 484 if (defined $rhash_r->{$tok})
2860 1349 1313 if ($tok ne "#")
2869 36 1277 if ($nr == 0 and $nl > 0)
2890 199 1114 if (defined $i_eq_l and defined $i_eq_r)
2896 12 182 if ($tok_eq_l eq $tok_eq_r and $i_eq_l == 0 and $i_eq_r == 0 and substr($pat_eq_l, 0, 1) ne substr($pat_eq_r, 0, 1) || $ci_jump)
2961 301 352 if ($nlines > 2)
2968 3065 516 unless ($seen{$tok})
2976 562 365 if ($token_line_count{$tok} == $nlines)
2977 21 541 if (substr($tok, 0, 1) eq "?" or substr($tok, 0, 1) eq "{" and $tok =~ /^\{\d+if/)
3007 0 3264 if $tok eq "#"
3020 31 3233 if (%valign_control_hash)
3022 18 13 unless defined $align_ok
3033 147 3117 if ($dividing_token)
3034 120 27 if ($token_line_count{$tok} >= $nlines) { }
3058 280 2984 if (defined $delete_above_level)
3059 132 148 if ($lev > $delete_above_level) { }
3067 41 7 if ($deleted_assignment_token and $lev > $group_level || !$keep_after_deleted_assignment{$raw_tok})
3082 18 1105 if $jj == $jbeg and $has_terminal_match and $nlines == 2
3088 721 2543 if ($delete_me and $tok_count == 1)
3093 262 459 if ($raw_tok eq ",")
3096 14 248 if defined $i_eq and $i < $i_eq
3100 78 184 if $lev <= $group_level
3104 106 615 if ($is_assignment{$raw_tok} and $lev == $group_level)
3111 12 94 if ($imax > 0 and $i == $imax) { }
3127 661 2603 if ($delete_me)
3131 529 132 if (not defined $delete_above_level or $lev < $delete_above_level)
3140 53 476 if ($raw_tok eq "=>")
3148 413 1481 if (@idel)
3183 91 562 unless $nlines > 1
3205 562 1241 if $jj == $jbeg
3209 82 1159 $imax_m < $imax ? :
3218 0 1241 if ($line->{'is_hanging_side_comment'}) { }
488 753 elsif ($list_type and $list_type eq $list_type_m) { }
3230 0 488 if ($ci_jump)
3236 0 883 if ($tok ne $tok_m)
3253 19 720 if ($tok ne $tok_m)
3262 166 554 if ($pat_m ne $pat)
3268 8 158 if ($match_code)
3269 7 1 if ($match_code == 1) { }
1 0 elsif ($match_code == 2) { }
3289 24 557 if (@{$rlines;} > @{$rnew_lines;})
3292 39 56 if ($line->{'is_hanging_side_comment'}) { }
3334 26 140 if ($alignment_token eq ',') { }
4 136 elsif ($alignment_token eq '(') { }
16 120 elsif ($alignment_token eq '=') { }
3338 3 23 if (not $tok =~ /[A-Za-z]/) { }
3353 4 0 if ($pad != 0) { }
3376 0 16 if (substr($pat_m, 0, 1) ne substr($pat, 0, 1)) { }
1 15 elsif (index($pat_m, ',') >= 0 ne index($pat, ',') >= 0) { }
3401 1 0 if ($lev eq $group_level)
3427 181 580 if ($str =~ /^=>([^\.]*)/)
3457 623 1010 if $tok eq "#"
3458 81 929 if ($i > 0 and $lev < $last_lev)
3461 78 545 unless ($is_monotonic)
3490 142 481 if ($all_monotonic and $tok_end =~ /^,/)
3504 623 917 if $i > $imax
3505 0 917 if $tok eq "#"
3509 0 917 if $tok eq "#"
3512 523 394 if (not defined $lev_min) { }
3517 51 343 if ($lev < $lev_min)
3518 118 276 if ($lev > $lev_max)
3519 81 313 if ($lev < $last_lev)
3528 100 523 if (not defined $lev_min) { }
359 164 elsif ($lev_max == $lev_min) { }
3551 164 524 if $itok > $imax
3554 0 524 if $raw_tok eq "#"
3556 280 272 if $lev > $lev_test
3586 0 152 unless $jmax > 0
3651 121 31 if $all_monotonic
3703 87 234 if $depth > $MAX_DEPTH
3706 69 6 if ($jl >= 0 and defined $match_tree[$depth] and @{$match_tree[$depth];} and defined $levels_current[$depth])
3716 75 159 if (defined $match_tree[$depth])
3729 120 114 if (not defined $levels_next[$depth] or $depth > 0 and $levels_next[$depth] <= $levels_next[$depth - 1])
3767 5 231 if (@{$rlevs;} > $MAX_DEPTH)
3773 321 387 defined $item ? :
3775 321 387 defined $item ? :
3782 31 205 if ($jp == 0) { }
10 195 elsif ($rlines->[$jm]{'end_group'}) { }
0 195 elsif ($rlines->[$jp]{'is_hanging_side_comment'}) { }
3804 148 253 unless $def_current or $def_next
3805 46 207 if (not $def_current && $def_next or $token_patterns_current[$depth] ne $token_patterns_next[$depth])
3811 23 23 if ($depth > 0 and defined $match_tree[$depth - 1])
3832 30 32 unless defined $match_tree[$depth]
3837 0 50 unless (defined $np)
3843 35 15 if (not defined $np_now or $np != $np_now)
3875 31 0 if (defined $match_tree[0])
3880 31 55 unless @todo_list
3889 57 35 unless defined $nc_beg_p
3908 21 14 if ($nmin_mono > $nlines_p - 1)
3911 31 4 if ($nmin_non_mono > $nlines_p - 1)
3922 1 49 $is_monotonic ? :
3923 22 28 if ($nlines_c < $nmin) { }
3950 83 69 if ($lev > $level_keep)
3954 28 0 if (@idel)
3971 0 0 unless defined $val
4041 121 127 if (defined $line_1->{'j_terminal_match'} or $line_0->{'list_type'} or $line_1->{'is_hanging_side_comment'})
4081 136 20 if ($raw_tok and $lev == $group_level)
4082 117 19 unless ($raw_tokb)
4095 122 34 if ($j == 0)
4100 73 49 if ($raw_tok eq "=" and $lev == $group_level)
4104 4 69 if $j0_max_pad < 4
4108 36 120 if ($pad < 0)
4109 87 69 if ($pad > $max_pad)
4110 124 32 if ($is_good_alignment{$raw_tok} and not $line_ending_fat_comma) { }
4114 29 3 unless defined $jfirst_bad
4116 33 123 if ($rpatterns_0->[$j] ne $rpatterns_1->[$j])
4122 23 10 unless defined $jfirst_bad
4123 33 0 if $is_marginal == 0
4124 12 21 if ($raw_tok eq "=")
4139 0 127 if $is_marginal == 0 and $line_ending_fat_comma
4152 17 4 if ($is_marginal == 1 and $saw_good_alignment || $max_pad < 3)
4162 0 127 if ($jmax_0 < 1 or $jmax_1 < 1) { }
4173 28 83 unless ($is_marginal or $sc_term0)
4179 1 27 if ($is_assignment{$raw_tokb})
4196 109 18 unless ($is_marginal)
4227 13 5 if ($is_assignment{$raw_tokb}) { }
0 5 elsif ($raw_tokb eq '=>') { }
0 5 elsif ($raw_tokb eq '=~') { }
4231 12 1 if ($sc_term0)
4244 0 0 if ($sc_term1 and $sc_term0)
4262 4 14 if ($saw_if_or)
4265 4 0 if ($sc_term0 and $sc_term1)
4271 0 14 if ($is_marginal and defined $jfirst_bad and $imax_align > $jfirst_bad - 1)
4281 13 5 if ($imax_align < 0 and defined $j0_eq_pad)
4283 0 0 if ($imax_next >= 0 || $imax_prev >= 0 || 0 and $j0_eq_pad >= -$j0_max_pad and $j0_eq_pad <= $j0_max_pad)
4323 0 0 unless ($rpatterns_0->[0] =~ /,/ or $rpatterns_1->[0] =~ /,/)
4348 0 376 unless @{$rlines;} and @{$rgroups;}
4351 318 58 unless ref $object
4354 45 13 unless $extra_indentation_spaces_wanted
4357 13 0 if ($min_spaces > 0)
4366 13 31 if $j == 0
4369 1 30 if ($object != $rlines->[$j]{'indentation'})
4376 31 1 $avail > $extra_indentation_spaces_wanted ? :
4390 0 32 if ($ngroups > 1 and $spaces < 0)
4393 13 19 if ($ng == 0 or $spaces < $extra_leading_spaces)
4426 10 189 if $is_hanging_side_comment
4437 0 189 unless $num5
4455 67 122 if $line_diff > $short_diff or not $self->[12]
4464 18 104 if $level < $last_sc_level and $is_closing_block_type{substr $rfields->[0], 0, 1}
4468 4 100 if (my $cached_line_type = get_cached_line_type())
4481 0 4 if $cached_line_type == 2 or $cached_line_type == 4
4525 228 118 if ($line->{'rfield_lengths'}[$jmax])
4529 199 29 unless (defined $j_sc_beg)
4538 0 199 unless @todo
4545 4 190 if $ldiff > 5
4549 69 121 unless $sc_len
4559 114 85 $keep_it ? :
4564 24 175 @todo > 1 ? :
4573 199 24 if ($PASS == $MAX_PASS)
4588 4 277 if $PASS < $MAX_PASS and $is_hanging_side_comment
4599 223 54 unless (defined $column_limit)
4603 0 277 if $jmax <= 0
4607 13 264 if ($move > $avail)
4612 3 82 if ($move >= 0 and $j_sc_beg == 0 and $continuing_sc_flow)
4620 14 263 if ($is_hanging_side_comment)
4622 194 83 if ($move < $min_move)
4627 11 266 if ($move > $avail)
4630 8 269 if ($move < 0)
4633 49 228 if ($PASS < $MAX_PASS) { }
4637 23 26 if ($col > $max_comment_column and $col < $column_limit)
4659 199 2 if ($line->{'rfield_lengths'}[$jmax])
4666 199 0 if (defined $j_sc_last)
4713 47 3014 if ($leading_space_count > $group_leader_length)
4721 0 3061 if (@alignments != $maximum_field_index + 1)
4740 2736 325 if $j == $maximum_field_index and !defined($rfields->[$j]) || $rfield_lengths->[$j] == 0
4749 0 4530 if ($do_not_align)
4750 0 0 $j < $maximum_field_index ? :
4759 9 4521 if ($self->[8] and $j == $maximum_field_index)
4764 9 0 if ($newpad >= 0)
4768 1319 3211 if ($pad > 0)
4772 4519 11 if ($rfield_lengths->[$j] > 0) { }
4813 0 14 unless (defined $imax_align)
4818 0 14 unless @idel
4830 0 14 if ($imax_align >= 0)
4926 1 1805 if ($cached_line_type)
4967 158 0 if ($rvertical_tightness_flags)
4974 91 67 if (not $cached_line_valid) { }
30 37 elsif ($cached_line_type == 1 or $cached_line_type == 3) { }
4992 14 16 if ($cached_line_opening_flag == 1)
4993 0 14 if (defined $open_or_close and $open_or_close == 1)
5006 0 18 if ($gap >= 0 and $maximum_line_length != $cached_line_maximum_length || defined $level_end && $level > $level_end)
5016 0 0 if ($test_line_length > $cached_line_maximum_length - 2)
5021 18 12 if ($gap >= 0 and defined $seqno_beg) { }
5050 33 4 if ($seqno_beg and $open_or_close == $cached_line_type || $cached_line_type == 2 && $open_or_close == 4 || !$open_or_close && $cached_line_type == 2 and $test_line_length <= $cached_line_maximum_length) { }
5104 4 29 if ($str =~ /^\);/ and $cached_line_text =~ /^[\)\}\]\s]*$/)
5130 3 1 if ($diff > 0 and length $seqno_string and length $last_nonblank_seqno_string == length $seqno_string)
5138 3 0 if (@seqno_now and @seqno_last and $seqno_now[-1] == $seqno_last[0] and $seqno_now[0] == $seqno_last[-1])
5148 3 0 if (length $ws == $diff and $ws =~ /^\s+$/)
5222 276 7090 if ($outdent_long_lines)
5228 10 266 if ($excess > 0)
5236 3 7 unless ($outdented_line_count)
5249 4353 3013 $leading_space_count > 0 ? :
5279 1308 6058 if ($rvertical_tightness_flags)
5298 158 7208 if (length $cached_line_text)
5328 159 7207 if ($open_or_close)
5329 0 159 if ($open_or_close == 3 and not $line =~ /\{\s*$/ or $open_or_close == 4 and not $line =~ /\}\s*$/)
5339 7207 159 if (not $open_or_close or $side_comment_length > 0 or $is_outdented_line or not $line_length) { }
5394 2 1806 if (@valign_buffer)
5410 2 1 if ($valign_buffer_filling and $diff)
5416 7 0 if (length $ws == $diff and $ws =~ /^\s+$/)
5419 7 0 if ($leading_space_count >= $diff)
5450 2 7313 if $seqno_string and $valign_buffer_filling
5454 7 7308 if ($valign_buffer_filling) { }
5462 394 6921 if ($seqno_string)
5469 8 33 if (index($seqno_string, ":") >= 0 and $seqno_string =~ /^\d+(\:+\d+)+$/ and not $args_to_D[0] =~ /^[\}\)\]\:\?]/)
5524 4315 3000 if ($leading_space_count > 0)
5532 4270 45 if (not $rOpts_tabs || $rOpts_entab_leading_whitespace or $rOpts_indent_columns <= 0) { }
45 0 elsif ($rOpts_entab_leading_whitespace) { }
5545 45 0 if ($line =~ /^(\s+)(.*)$/)
5547 0 45 if ($spaces > $leading_space_count)
5557 45 0 if ($line =~ /^\s{$leading_space_count,$leading_space_count}/) { }
5578 0 0 if ($space_count < 0) { }
5581 0 0 unless ($line =~ /^\s*#/)
5592 0 0 if ($line =~ /^\s{$leading_space_count,$leading_space_count}/) { }
5620 21 534 if ($outdented_line_count > 0)
5627 7 14 if ($outdented_line_count > 1)