Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 84 90 93.3

line true false branch
16 3 10 if ($$opt{'no_prereq'}) { }
24 3 10 if (my $scanner_names = $$opt{'extra_scanners'})
25 2 1 if (ref $scanner_names eq 'ARRAY') { }
28 1 1 if (substr($scanner_name, 0, 1) eq '+') { }
54 1 3 if (substr($scanner_name, 0, 1) eq '+') { }
75 0 11 unless open my $fh, '<', $file
91 1 0 if (defined(my $path = Module::Path::module_path($module)))
124 30 3872 if ($token_type == 71 or $token_type == 70 and $$token{'data'} eq 'no')
128 100 3772 if ($is_in_reqdecl)
131 11 89 if ($token_type == 95 or $token_type == 122)
140 21 68 if ($token_type == 127 or $token_type == 126)
146 19 49 if ($token_type == 106)
147 7 12 if ($module_name)
160 104 3668 if ($token_type == 93)
164 634 3034 if ($is_in_usedecl)
169 72 562 if ($token_type == 94 or $token_type == 96)
178 6 66 if ($module_name eq 'lib' or $module_name eq 'constant') { }
24 42 elsif ($module_name =~ /(?:base|parent)/) { }
6 36 elsif ($module_name =~ /aliased/) { }
194 6 462 if ($token_type == 106 or $token_type == 109 or $token_type == 111)
195 94 6 if ($module_name and not $does_use_lib_or_constant)
215 96 366 if ($token_type == 127 or $token_type == 126)
222 96 270 if ($is_inherited)
226 6 90 if ($token_type == 147) { }
12 78 elsif ($is_in_reglist) { }
6 72 elsif ($token_type == 107) { }
6 66 elsif ($token_type == 108) { }
24 42 elsif ($is_in_list) { }
12 30 elsif ($token_type == 172 or $token_type == 173) { }
230 6 6 if ($token_type == 187)
248 12 12 if ($token_type == 172 or $token_type == 173)
264 11 248 if ($token_type == 171 or $token_type == 170 or $token_type == 175)
265 4 18 if (not $module_name) { }
12 6 elsif ($is_prev_module_name) { }
266 4 0 unless ($does_garbage_exist)
289 12 236 if ($is_aliased)
290 6 6 if ($token_type == 172 or $token_type == 173)
297 12 224 if ($is_prev_module_name || $is_prev_version and $token_type == 107)
302 0 372 if ($token_type == 107) { }
12 360 elsif ($token_type == 108) { }
306 12 0 if --$left_paren_num <= 0
312 66 158 if ($token_type != 210)
321 208 25 if ($extra_scanner->scan($self, $token, $token_type))
326 3 2823 if ($token_type == 209 and $$token{'data'} =~ /\A##\s*no prereq\Z/)
338 207 0 if ($module_name)