Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 20 22 90.9

line true false branch
48 1 170 if ($node->version)
54 33 137 if (grep {$_ eq $node->module;} 'base', 'parent')
57 30 9 unless $_->isa('PPI::Token::QuoteLike::Words')
66 57 113 $node->module_version ? :
69 3 167 unless $node->module
72 107 60 if not $version and $node->type =~ /\A(?:require|use)\z/
85 73 34 unless $next and $next->class eq 'PPI::Statement'
89 0 21 unless defined $list and $op->class eq 'PPI::Token::Operator' and $op->content eq '->' and $method->content eq 'VERSION' and !defined($too_much) || $too_much->content eq ';' and $invocant->content eq $node->module and $list->class eq 'PPI::Structure::List' and $list->braces eq '()' and $list->schildren == 1
102 3 18 unless $exp->class eq 'PPI::Statement::Expression' and $exp->schildren == 1
107 12 6 if ($arg->isa('PPI::Token::Number')) { }
6 0 elsif ($arg->isa('PPI::Token::Quote') and $arg->can('literal')) { }