Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 33 63 52.3

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
59 0 0 2 $next_token_type == 172 || $next_token_type == 173 and &any(sub { $_ eq $next_token_data; } , @target_functions)
76 0 0 2 $token_type == 172 || $token_type == 173 and &any(sub { $_ eq $token_data; } , @target_functions)
95 2 1 1 $token_type == 187 and $token->{'data'} =~ /\A\s*:io\s*\Z/
111 634 0 2 $token_type == 127 and $token_data eq 'Fatal'
113 0 0 2 $skipped_token and $skipped_token->{'type'} == 127
0 0 2 $skipped_token and $skipped_token->{'type'} == 127 and $skipped_token->{'data'} eq 'Exception'
117 4 2 0 $token_type == 172 || $token_type == 173 and &any(sub { $_ eq $token_data; } , @target_functions)
134 0 0 0 $token_type == 172 || $token_type == 173 and &any(sub { $_ eq $token_data; } , @target_functions)
176 485 25 2 $is_target_all and $token_type == 0
184 0 0 1 $next_token->{'type'} == 122 and $next_token->{'data'} eq 'autodie'
191 485 25 0 $is_target_all and $token_type == 204 || $token_type == 122 && $$tokens[++$i]{'type'} == 107
195 2 0 1 $allowed_functions and $token_data =~ /\A$allowed_functions\s*\(?/

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
59 0 2 0 $next_token_type == 172 || $next_token_type == 173
76 0 2 0 $token_type == 172 || $token_type == 173
117 0 2 4 $token_type == 172 || $token_type == 173
134 0 0 0 $token_type == 172 || $token_type == 173
176 95 0 512 $token_type == 70 or $is_target_all and $token_type == 0
177 4 65 28 $is_target_all or &any(sub { $_ eq $token_data; } , @target_functions)
178 8 0 61 $is_in_assign_context or $is_in_statement_context
191 2 0 23 $token_type == 204 || $token_type == 122 && $$tokens[++$i]{'type'} == 107
195 0 0 2 $is_in_assign_context || $is_in_statement_context