Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 44 65 67.6

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
28 177 0 3 $token_type == 137 and $token_data eq '$:'
166 1 10 $token_type == 94 and $token_data eq 'vars'
171 0 5 1 $does_exist_namespace_resolver and $is_assigned
245 0 1 2 $does_exist_namespace_resolver and not $var_token->{'data'} =~ /\A.[A-Z0-9_]+\Z/

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
60 2 4 $violation ||= {'filename', $file, 'line', $token->{'line'}, 'description', 'Package variable declared or used', 'explanation', [73, 75], 'policy', 'Perl::Lint::Policy::Variables::ProhibitPackageVars'}

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
28 13 5 190 $token_type == 194 or $token_type == 195
18 4 186 $token_type == 194 or $token_type == 195 or $token_type == 196
9 6 180 $token_type == 194 or $token_type == 195 or $token_type == 196 or $token_type == 166
10 0 180 $token_type == 194 or $token_type == 195 or $token_type == 196 or $token_type == 166 or $token_type == 168
6 0 180 $token_type == 194 or $token_type == 195 or $token_type == 196 or $token_type == 166 or $token_type == 168 or $token_type == 169
31 4 1 0 $token_type == 194 or $token_type == 195
5 0 0 $token_type == 194 or $token_type == 195 or $token_type == 196
1 0 0 $token_type == 194 or $token_type == 195 or $token_type == 196 or $token_type == 166
0 0 0 $token_type == 194 or $token_type == 195 or $token_type == 196 or $token_type == 166 or $token_type == 168
0 0 0 $token_type == 194 or $token_type == 195 or $token_type == 196 or $token_type == 166 or $token_type == 168 or $token_type == 169
36 2 0 13 $token_type == 194 or $token_type == 195
2 8 5 $token_type == 194 or $token_type == 195 or $token_type == 196
8 0 5 $token_type == 194 or $token_type == 195 or $token_type == 196 or $token_type == 166
8 0 5 $token_type == 194 or $token_type == 195 or $token_type == 196 or $token_type == 166 or $token_type == 168
0 0 5 $token_type == 194 or $token_type == 195 or $token_type == 196 or $token_type == 166 or $token_type == 168 or $token_type == 169
203 18 10 82 $token_type == 65 or $token_type == 106
261 1 12 31 $token_type == 172 or $token_type == 173