Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 26 26 100.0

line true false branch
18 1 23 if (my $this_policies_arg = $args->{'require_interpolation_of_matchers'})
29 30 793 if ($token_type == 94)
30 10 20 if ($token_data eq 'vars')
36 33 760 if ($token_type == 145)
43 152 641 if ($token_type == 173)
44 13 139 if ($is_used_vers)
48 74 65 if (my(@captures) = $token_data =~ / (\\*) (?: [\$\@]([^\s{]\S*) | \\[tnrfbae01234567xcNluLUEQ] )/gx)
58 77 77 if ($i % 2 == 0) { }
60 71 6 if (length($backslash) % 2 == 0)
64 5 5 if (index($token_data, '@') >= 0 and not $token_data =~ / \W \@ /msx and not $token_data =~ / \A \@ \w+ \b /msx and $token_data =~ /$Email::Address::addr_spec/)
76 8 64 if (&any(sub { $_ eq $var_name; } , @rcs_keywords))
81 58 6 if ($is_violated)
99 147 494 if ($token_type == 106)