Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 47 52 90.3

line true false branch
17 1 22 if (my $allow = $args->{'prohibit_unused_private_subroutines'}{'allow'})
31 31 122 if ($token_type == 63) { }
11 111 elsif ($token_type == 204 or $token_type == 122 or $token_type == 64) { }
3 108 elsif ($token_type == 94 and $token_data eq 'overload') { }
3 105 elsif ($token_type == 155 or $token_type == 150) { }
35 26 5 if (substr($token_data, 0, 1) eq '_' and not $allow{$token_data})
36 22 4 unless ($allow_regex and $token_data =~ /$allow_regex/)
40 22 27 if ($token_type == 127 or $token_type == 203) { }
1 26 elsif ($token_type == 126) { }
20 6 elsif ($token_type == 109) { }
1 5 elsif ($token_type == 106) { }
52 0 132 if ($token_type == 109) { }
20 112 elsif ($token_type == 110) { }
4 108 elsif ($token_type == 204 or $token_type == 122 or $token_type == 64) { }
56 20 0 if --$left_brace_num <= 0
60 4 0 if ($token_data eq $declared_private_function)
84 3 21 if ($token_type == 124) { }
3 18 elsif ($token_type == 106) { }
85 3 0 if ($is_value)
88 5 10 if ($token_type == 122 or $token_type == 172 or $token_type == 173) { }
3 7 elsif ($token_type == 106) { }
110 3 16 if ($token_type == 157 or $token_type == 187) { }
3 13 elsif ($token_type == 106) { }
116 3 17 if ($token_type == 204 or $token_type == 122 or $token_type == 64)
130 0 20 if ($ignores{$private_function_name})
134 8 12 unless ($called{$private_function_name})