Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 22 22 100.0

line true false branch
32 54 326 if ($token_type == 125 or $token_type == 126) { }
3 323 elsif ($token_type == 93 or $token_type == 71 or $token_type == 128) { }
43 280 elsif ($token_type == 73 and $token_data eq '__PACKAGE__' or $token_type == 70 and $token_data eq 'shift' or $token_type == 127 and $token_data eq 'POSIX') { }
67 213 elsif ($token_type == 127) { }
8 205 elsif ($token_type == 166 || $token_type == 194 || $token_type == 191 and $token_data eq '$pkg' || $token_data eq '$self') { }
74 131 elsif ($token_type == 106) { }
39 27 27 if (substr($token_data, 0, 1) eq '_' and $next_token_type != 125 and $next_token_type != 126) { }
45 5 4 if ($$allow{'package_name'} eq $module_name and $$allow{'method_name'} eq $token_data)
53 5 17 if ($private_name_regex and $token_data =~ /$private_name_regex/)
77 3 15 if ($token_type == 106)
101 1 7 if ($$next_token{'type'} == 127 and $$next_token{'data'} eq 'SUPER')